
Who Hermione should have ended up with?

Who Hermione should have ended up with?

“For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron.” Rowling went on to say that Harry should have ended up with Hermione, and she apologized to fans of the series for the heartbreak that may cause them.

Why didn’t Hermione end up in Ravenclaw?

And this is why Hermione does not fit into Ravenclaw, since she lacks their creativity of thought. When you also add in her fearlessness and her strong convictions about right and wrong, which are inherently Gryffindor traits, then there was even less of a chance she’d end up wearing blue and bronze.

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What was the relationship between Ron and Hermione like?

The friendship between Ron and Hermione has been consistently rocky throughout the 7 books, with the two constantly arguing and Hermione frequently getting annoyed and irritated by Ron’s behavior. This is not to say they were not close, but things are so much simpler and more pleasant between Harry and Hermione.

Does Hermione have feelings for Harry?

Hermione is a person with a rigid set of morals and she doesn’t really break them unless she has to. The only exception to this rule seems to be Ron. Sure, she’s a pragmatist who will prioritize Harry over Ron if Harry needs her more, but she doesn’t do this because she has feelings for Harry, she does it simply because Harry needs her more.

Could Ron have been with other characters in Harry Potter?

But, despite author intentions, that doesn’t mean there weren’t other characters that Ron could have been with. Lavender Brown is the one romantic relationship (other than Hermione) fans see explored on the screen and on the page when it comes to Ron.

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What was Hermione Granger’s role in the Harry Potter series?

From the first moment she fixed his glasses in the Hogwarts Express, Hermione was there for Harry in some of the most significant and memorable moments of the entire franchise, even when Ron wasn’t.