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How do you sort in Excel by column and keep rows together?

How do you sort in Excel by column and keep rows together?

In the Sort Warning window, select Expand the selection, and click Sort. Along with Column G, the rest of the columns will also be sorted, so all rows are kept together. This technique works for any sort, including sorting by date or sorting alphabetically.

How do I sort rows in Excel without mixing Data?

Sorting Multiple Rows or Columns

  1. Select any cell within the data range wherein sorting needs to be applied.
  2. Click on the Data Tab on Menu Bar, and further click on Sort under Sort & Filter group.
  3. Sort dialog box opens up.
  4. Under Sort On List, select the type of sort that needs to be applied.

How do I sort multiple rows in Excel when sorting?

Highlight/select all of the columns you have data entered in (or that you want included in the sort). Select data and select auto filter. This will place double arrows in the top row that will allow you to sort each column while keeping corresponding data in the same row. Hope this helps.

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How do I sort columns without messing up rows?

General Sort

  1. Click into any cell in the COLUMN you want to sort by within your list. (DO NOT highlight that column as this will sort that column only and leave the rest of your data where it is.)
  2. Click on the DATA tab.
  3. Click on either the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending. button.

How do I sort by multiple columns in Excel?

Sort data in a table

  1. Select Custom Sort.
  2. Select Add Level.
  3. For Column, select the column you want to Sort by from the drop-down, and then select the second column you Then by want to sort.
  4. For Sort On, select Values.
  5. For Order, select an option, like A to Z, Smallest to Largest, or Largest to Smallest.

How do I sort multiple rows horizontally in Excel?

Sort Multiple Rows Horizontally

  1. Select the data range that we want to sort (B3:G4), and in the Ribbon, go to Home > Sort & Filter > Custom Sort.
  2. In the Sort window, click Add Level, to add Row 4 to the sort condition.
  3. In the second level, select Row 4 for Then by, and Largest to Smallest for Order, and click OK.
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How do you sort entire rows in Excel?

To sort by a row, follow these steps:

  1. Select one cell in the row you want to sort.
  2. Press Ctrl + A, to select the entire region.
  3. Check the selected area, to make sure that all the data is included.
  4. Right-click a cell in the row that you want to sort.
  5. In the popup menu, click Sort, then click Custom Sort.

How do I sort only certain rows in Excel?

Sort from left to right

  1. Select any cell within the range you want to sort.
  2. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, select Custom Sort.
  3. In the Custom Sort dialog box, click Options.
  4. Under Orientation, click Sort left to right.
  5. Under Row, in the ‘Sort by’ drop down, select the row that you want to sort.

How do I sort entire rows in Excel?

How do you sort rows?

Here are the steps to sort data in rows. Highlight the cells you want to sort, click on Data , Sort and the screen at right appears. Then click on Options , and the screen below appears. Click on the Sort left to right box, and you’re in business.

Can you sort data in rows in Excel?

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Data sorting options apply to the columns in an Excel sheet. Just about everything that you can do to sort and filter data, you apply to columns. That’s how data is entered in a spreadsheet. The sorting works with columns by default. That said, you can sort data in rows in Excel.

How do you sort rows from smallest to largest in Excel?

On the Excel Ribbon, click the Data tab. Click Sort A to Z (smallest to largest) or Sort Z to A (largest to smallest) Before you do anything else, check the data, to ensure that the rows have sorted correctly. If things look wrong, immediately click the Undo button on the toolbar.

How do I sort fields on multiple columns in a spreadsheet?

If you are sorting on multiple columns, click the Add Level button, to add the next level, and select options from its drop down boxes. Here we have selected Gender, State and BirthYr as the sort fields, and all are sorted on Values. Because the BirthYr column contains

How do I sort data alphabetically in Excel?

1. Select the first row you want to sort alphabetically, and click Data > Sort, and in the popping Sort Warning dialog, check Continue with the current selection option, and click the Sort button.