
Is Tomorite good for hanging baskets?

Is Tomorite good for hanging baskets?

So to keep your baskets looking great all summer just: Water often and thoroughly. Feeding – with constant watering you are washing away the nutrients so feed the basket with a liquid fertiliser like Tomorite or Miracle Gro or a dry slow release fertiliser (not both).

Can I use tomato feed on my hanging baskets?

Pick containers over, remove dead flowers and dead or yellow leaves. Feed once a week with liquid tomato feed, diluted to half the usual strength, from July onwards.

Can you use tomato feed on flowering plants?

Apply high-nitrogen liquid feeds to leafy plants and liquid tomato feed (diluted to half or quarter strength) to flowering plants, to promote buds.

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Can you use tomato feed on petunias?

Tomato feeds are also great for feeding pots of flowering patio plants, such as petunias and begonias.

What plants can I use Tomorite on?

Levington Tomorite liquid tomato fertiliser is a rich and high in potash brown plant food that contains all the energy and nutrients needed to encourage great crops. It can be used to stimulate growth on all types of flowering plants and also fruit and veg such as tomatoes, sweet peppers, aubergines and cucumbers.

Can you use Tomorite on all plants?

Not just for tomatoes, you can also use Levington Tomorite on all fruits and vegetables as well as flowering plants, all around the garden.

Can you use Tomorite for flowers?

Can you use liquid tomato feed on other plants?

Using Tomato Feed on Fruit and Vegetable Crops Tomato feed is safe to use as directed on a plethora of other plants. The fertilizer will be the most effective on plants that produce fruit and vegetables, such as peppers, beans, eggplant, etc.

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Which plants do not like tomato feed?

However, tomato feed might not be the best choice for vegetables such as cucumbers, squashes, and pumpkins. While tomato feed may give these plants a small boost, these types of plants need higher nitrogen concentrations, similar to leafy plants.

Can I use Tomorite on flowers?

Can I use Tomorite on all plants?

Which plants like tomato feed?

For example, the easiest way to get good yields of tomatoes, runner beans, strawberries and other fruiting crops is to apply liquid tomato feed which is rich in potassium. (eg Tomorite). Although called tomato feed, this will be perfect for all fruiting crops.