
What happens Vaikuntha?

What happens Vaikuntha?

As per the works (in Sanskrit language) of many renounced and renowned Indian saints who quote Vedic proofs, after attaining Moksha, i.e. LIBERATION from sins and the cycle of birth and death, a soul loses his/her outer gender-linked body (Linga Deha) by bathing in a divine Viraja – RIVER flowing around the liberated …

Where is Lord Vishnu Vaikuntha?

In most of the extant Puranas and Vaishnava traditions, Vaikuntha is located in the direction of the Makara Rashi which coincides with the constellation of Capricorn. One version of the cosmology states that Vishnu’s eye is at the South Celestial Pole from where he watches the cosmos.

Why is Lord Vishnu incarnated on Earth?

Hindus believe that Isvara (God) in his aspect as Lord Vishnu, incarnates upon earth from time to time, fully or partially, as a part of his duty to protect dharma, destroy evil and restore the balance between the competing forces of creation. You may wonder why of all the gods, only Vishnu incarnates. It is because Vishnu is the preserver.

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How many incarnations of Vishnu are mentioned in Shreemad Bhagvatam?

It also mentioned that the incarnations of the Lord are innumerable. Apart from these 24 , there are lots of other incarnation of Lord Vishnu mentioned in Shreemad Bhagvatam. For example , a avatara of Lord Vishnu called “Vaikuntha” is mentioned in Skanda 8 chapter 5

What is the avatara of Lord Vishnu?

For example , a avatara of Lord Vishnu called “Vaikuntha” is mentioned in Skanda 8 chapter 5 From the combination of Subhra and his wife, Vikunṭha, there appeared the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vaikunṭha, along with demigods who were His personal plenary expansions.

Who is the 9th incarnation of Vishnu?

Vithoba. Some temple traditions in Maharashtra identify Vithoba, also known as Vitthala and Panduranga as the ninth incarnation of Vishnu in place of the Buddha. Some consider him to be an incarnation or manifestation of Krishna, while some associate him with Shiva also.