
What happens when more than 160 characters are used in an SMS?

What happens when more than 160 characters are used in an SMS?

Yes. The maximum length of text message that you can send is 918 characters. However, if you send more than 160 characters then your message will be broken down in to chunks of 153 characters before being sent to the recipient’s handset. So a message of 420 characters will be sent and charged as three text messages.

Is there a limit on the length of a text message?

The maximum length of a text message is 160 characters as long as you use standard 7 bit characters. Once you use a character that is not in the 7 bit encoding list, your maximum number of characters in a text message drops to 70.

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Does SMS 160 character limit include spaces?

And the character limit for on SMS is 160 characters, including spaces. If a user uses more than 160 characters, the text automatically splits into two or more text messages depending on the character limit and shoots up your SMS bills.

What does 150 characters or fewer mean?

Answer: 150 characters is between 20 words and 40 words with spaces included in the character count. If spaces are not included in the character count, then 150 characters is between 30 words and 50 words.

How many characters is a text message?

160 characters
The number of characters that can fit in a standard text message is 160 characters. Text messages or SMS messages that exceed 160 characters will often be split into two separate messages.

How do I send a concatenated SMS?

Sending a concatenated SMS using a User Data Header. One way of sending concatenated SMS (CSMS) is to split the message into 153 7-bit character parts (134 octets), and sending each part with a User Data Header (UDH) tacked onto the beginning.

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What is the character limit for SMS messages?

In the past, every SMS that exceeded 160 characters was sent as two separate texts. Although now they appear to be sent as one, every SMS that exceeds this limit counts as two. SMS providers also charge SMS messages over 160 characters as if they were two. Why 160 characters, you might ask?

How long can I send a text message?

You can send messages up to 960 characters in length however, it’s good to know that every 160 characters is counted as 1 text message. A standard SMS (text message) within the US is considered 160 characters or less. This means if you send a message that is 161 characters, it will be counted as 2 messages per person.

Why are there 7 characters in a text message?

The 1st 7 characters of each message are used to instruct the carriers and your handset to concatenate the message and re-build it into one fluent long message upon delivery. That means your length drops to 153 for each message, including the first message.

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What is the meaning of Unicode in SMS?

Unicode is another form of sending method. “Unicode SMS” refers to SMS messages sent and received containing characters not found in the GSM character set. An SMS allows up to 160 characters from the GSM-7 character set, which includes all latin characters A-Z, digits 0-9, plus a few special characters.