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How many races are humans divided into?

How many races are humans divided into?

The Major Divisions of the Human Race Most anthropologists recognize 3 or 4 basic races of man in existence today. These races can be further subdivided into as many as 30 subgroups.

How many genetic races are there?

Dr. Venter and scientists at the National Institutes of Health recently announced that they had put together a draft of the entire sequence of the human genome, and the researchers had unanimously declared, there is only one race — the human race.

Are there biological differences between ethnic groups?

Many differences between different ethnic groups have been observed, such as skin color, eye color, height, susceptibility to some diseases, and response to certain drugs. However, the genetic bases of such differences have been under-investigated.

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Are all people human sapiens?

Just to reinforce everyone else: all people are H. sapiens. All 3 traditional “races” — white, black, Asian — are H. sapiens. In Darwin’s day, the word “race” was used as we would use “subpopulation” or even “nationality” today.

Why are humans all part of the same species?

Therefore, genetically, it is the case that humans share much more in common than they diverge. This is why we are all a part of the same species: Homo sapiens. Our perception of people as belonging to different races may then be a product of human psychology rather than biological reality.

Is skin color the only difference between different races of humans?

Skin color isn’t the only difference between the different races of humans however: for example, people from eastern Asia like Japan and China tend to have slanted eyes while people from elsewhere tend to have rounder eyes. I’m not sure if an explanation for this has ever been identified.

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What are the 3 types of races?

All 3 traditional “races” — white, black, Asian — are H. sapiens. In Darwin’s day, the word “race” was used as we would use “subpopulation” or even “nationality” today. In Darwin’s time, “Irish” was a race, “Chinese” were a race, “German” was a race, etc.