
Who can certify the documents in Australia?

Who can certify the documents in Australia?

Who can certify my documents?

  • An accountant (member of a recognised professional accounting body or a Registered Tax Agent).
  • A person listed on the roll of the Supreme Court of a State or Territory or the High Court of Australia as a legal practitioner.
  • A barrister, solicitor or patent attorney.
  • A police officer.

Which professions can certify documents?

Copies of documents can be certified by one of the following people:

  • Accountant.
  • Armed forces officer.
  • Bank/building society official.
  • Commissioner of Oaths.
  • Councillor (local or county)
  • FCA regulated person (identified using the FCA authorised persons lists)

Who can certify?

Who can certify documents?

  • principal of a NSW government or non-government school.
  • bail justice.
  • barrister.
  • commissioner for affidavits.
  • commissioner for oaths.
  • judge.
  • police officer (rank of sergeant or highest ranking officer in the station)
  • proclaimed bank manager.
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Can nurses certify documents in Australia?

In Australia, the following people are authorised to certify documents: Health professions: Chiropractor, dentist, medical practitioner, nurse, optometrist, pharmacist, physiotherapist, psychologist. Legal professions: Legal practitioner, patent attorney, trademarks’ attorney.

Can family members certify documents?

It is not advisable for you to witness or certify a document for a member of your family. This is because of the potential for an actual or perceived conflict of interest (see Section 4.3. 4 above) and the risk that the document may be rejected on that basis by the organisation that requires it.

Can a family member certify documents?

Can a pharmacist certify documents NSW?

Pharmacists generally are authorised to certify that documents are true copies of originals. Your pharmacist may also be authorised to witness your signature on documents.

Can you certify your own documents Australia?

You cannot witness or certify a document for yourself. For example: • you must not act as the witness for a statutory declaration or affidavit that you yourself are declaring, swearing or affirming, and • you must not certify a copy of your own original document, such as your own birth certificate.

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Who can certify a document?

A document can only be certified by an authorised witness. An authorised witness is a person that appears on the list of people who can certify documents and is currently employed as, registered and/or licensed to practise in Australia. For example, a doctor who is registered to practise medicine in Australia can certify

What is an accertified document?

Certified documents are copies of important documents which need to be certified as true copies of the originals by a person authorised to do so. Guidelines for the certification of documents – Department of Education, Skills and Employment, Australian Government

Can a certified copy of a document be certified in English?

Before certifying a document, the certifier must ensure the copy to be certified is an identical copy of the original. Suggested wording for the certification is as follows: A certifier should not certify a document in a language other than English unless they can be sure that the original and the copy are identical.

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How do I get my Documents certified if I’m applying from abroad?

If you are applying from outside Australia and you don’t know an Australian citizen, have your documents certified by someone who: Make a copy of the original document. Take the original document and your copy to the certifier. They will check your copy is the same as the original.