
Who did Luke train as a Jedi?

Who did Luke train as a Jedi?

The two most famous Jedi who trained Luke were Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, who gave Luke something of a crash course version of their traditionally decades-long Jedi training regimen.

What type of Jedi is Luke Skywalker?

Jedi Knight

Luke Skywalker
Title Jedi Knight (Episode VI) Jedi Master (Episodes VII – VIII)
Occupation Apprentice moisture farmer Jedi
Affiliation Canon Rebel Alliance Jedi New Republic New Jedi Order Resistance Legends: Galactic Alliance Jedi Council
Family Anakin Skywalker (father) Padmé Amidala (mother) Leia Organa (sister)

Did Anakin become Jedi Knight?

Anakin Skywalker is granted the rank of Jedi Knight in 22 BBY. The Knighting ceremony was the ceremony in which a Jedi Padawan or apprentice was made into a full Jedi Knight.

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Was Mace Windu a Jedi Consular?

Trained as a Jedi Guardian, Windu was considered to be one of the best swordsmen in the history of the Jedi Order and had created the modern seventh form of lightsaber combat, Vaapad along with fellow Jedi Sora Bulq.

Are all of Luke Skywalker’s mentors Jedi?

In Legends, not all of Luke’s mentors were Jedi. In Dark Force Rising, Luke sought further Jedi training from Joruus C’baoth, who Luke believed was a Jedi Purge survivor who could help him rebuild the Jedi Order. In reality, C’baoth was an insane, dark side-corrupted clone of a Jedi who died before the start of the Clone Wars.

Is Luke Skywalker a clone of Darth Vader?

― Luke Skywalker, in his personal datapad journal [src] Luuke Skywalker was a genetic clone of the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, grown from cells extracted from the hand Skywalker lost during his duel with the Dark Lord Darth Vader on Cloud City.

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What happened to the Jedi Knights in Star Wars?

The Jedi Knights, reduced in number to only a handful, were slowly restored, primarily under the leadership of Luke Skywalker, son of the former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker . Slow in developing, it existed for a number of years as a disparate group of Force-sensitives with various degrees of training.

Who is Luuke Skywalker in Star Wars?

Luuke Skywalker was a genetic clone of the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, grown from cells extracted from the hand Skywalker lost during his duel with the Dark Lord Darth Vader on Cloud City.