
What are the topic of Humss?

What are the topic of Humss?

If yes, the HUMSS Strand is for you. HUMSS stands for Humanities and Social Sciences. This strand focuses on the study of human behavior and societal changes, and analysis of arts, culture, literature, and politics. HUMSS subjects include political science, anthropology, linguistics, psychology, and communication.

What are the topics under Humss?

Specialized Subjects

  • Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems.
  • Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences.
  • Creative Writing.
  • Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences.
  • Creative Nonfiction.
  • Philippine Politics and Governance.
  • Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century.

What are some good quantitative economics research paper ideas for high school?

Here are 10 brilliant quantitative economics research paper ideas for high school: Has the change in household size over the years affected the economy? Is the price of gasoline related to demand or price of oil?

What should a high school student know about creating research papers?

High school students are new to creating research papers. Creating them at this level will prepare the student for the many term papers that will be assigned in college. If the student develops some good techniques at this level, he will have more success once he reaches the college level.

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How do you write a good research paper?

Research your topic thoroughly and keep your notes organized. Try to use at least three different sources for your data retrieval. Keep your notes organized with index cards so that when you need to access the information you will be able to find what you need. Create an outline of your paper.

What are some interesting topics in Humanities in social science?

Humanities in Social Science is wide open—-the sociology of art/how artists between 1929 and the end of world war two influenced the culture of (fill in the blank—-the United States, Germany, Japan, whatever) is just one tiny topic that pops to mind.