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What node JS developer should know?

What node JS developer should know?

Every Node. js developer needs to know how to interpret existing API codes to adopt its use to their own projects. In short, they need to handle interactions between multiple systems. Therefore, excellent skills in understanding and creating custom ReSTful APIs are essential in Node.

What are the important modules in node JS?


Core Modules Description
process provides information and control about the current Node.js process.
os provides information about the operating system.
querystring utility used for parsing and formatting URL query strings.
url module provides utilities for URL resolution and parsing.

What are some interesting NPM packages?

Top 10 NPM Packages of All Time [Guest Post]

  1. Cloudinary. Cloudinary is the best choice if you’re handling images of your website.
  2. Express.
  3. Nodist.
  4. Lodash.
  5. Browserify.
  6. Debug.
  7. Grunt.
  8. Mocha.
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What is NodeJs backend developer?

A Node. js developer is responsible for writing server-side web application logic in JavaScript and/or variants of it, such as CoffeeScript, IcedCoffeeScript, etc. Node.

What are JavaScript modules?

A module in JavaScript is just a file containing related code. In JavaScript, we use the import and export keywords to share and receive functionalities respectively across different modules. The export keyword is used to make a variable, function, class or object accessible to other modules.

What are the key features of node JS?

Features of Node. js

  • Asynchronous and Event Driven − All APIs of Node. js library are asynchronous, that is, non-blocking.
  • Very Fast − Being built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine, Node. js library is very fast in code execution.
  • Single Threaded but Highly Scalable − Node.
  • No Buffering − Node.
  • License − Node.