
How many crews are needed for a frigate?

How many crews are needed for a frigate?

Many frigates now carry helicopters to aid in submarine hunting. Such a vessel displaces upward of 3,000 tons, has a top speed of 30 knots or more and carries a crew of about 200.

How many does it take to man a galleon?

Crew size. Crew size depended on the size of the galleon. Smaller galleons functioned with a crew of 50, while the crew of the larger galleons could number more than 400.

How many men does it take to crew a schooner?

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Tern Schooner a three master built in great numbers all along our shores between 1880 and 1920. These vessels were cargo carriers of between 200 and 400 tons, requiring a crew of six to eight.

How big was a pirate ship?

They were up to about 65 feet long and could carry roughly 130 tons of cargo.

How many men does it take to man a frigate?

The Frigate carries up to 32 Cannons into battle, and can hold a Crew of up to 200 men….Sid Meier’s Pirates! ( 2004)

Ship Type Frigate Smallest member of the Frigate class Larger: Large Frigate
Max. Crew: 200
Min. Crew: 16
Ideal Crew (w/ Max Cannons): 112
Cargo Capacity: 80 tons

How fast did ships go in the 1700s?

With an average distance of approximately 3,000 miles, this equates to a range of about 100 to 140 miles per day, or an average speed over the ground of about 4 to 6 knots.

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How many crew members are on a Clipper?

The size of a clipper ship varied according to the requirement of the cargo. With the size of the ship, the number of crew members on board the ship also varied. A conventional clipper ship carried around 25-50 sailors on board.

How many people does a ship’s crew usually have?

It varies from ship to ship. Big ships like a seventy-four, a vessel armed with 74 guns used by most nations at the time, could have a crew of 500 – 700 men.

How many people were on a ship with 108 guns?

If it was a warship it would have approximately 5 crew per gun and marines plus the sailing crew, but if it were a merchant ship as few as possible. Given the inevitable over manning when not in action, crews were required to dance the hornpipe as a way of keeping fit. A ship like HMS Victory (108 guns) consequently had around 800 crew.

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What is the manual on the establishment of minimum cabin crew requirements?

ICAO developed the Manual on the Establishment of Minimum Cabin Crew Requirements (Doc 10072) in order to provide guidance on provisions in Annex 6 Part I related to the assignment of emergency duties and the minimum number of cabin crew required on board commercial passenger flights. It addresses:

What should be considered when establishing minimum crew?

The ratio of cabin crew members to floor-level exits should also be considered when establishing minimum crew. As demonstrated by accident investigations and research studies, as well as manufacturer recommendations, floor-level exits should be assigned to cabin crew members so that they are attended in the event of an emergency evacuation.