
How do I get my blog approved by AdSense?

How do I get my blog approved by AdSense?

Sign up for AdSense

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, select a blog.
  3. From the menu on the left, click Earnings. Create AdSense account.
  4. Select the Google email associated with your Blogger account.
  5. Fill out AdSense form and click Create account.
  6. Enter your payment details and verify your phone number.
  7. Click Submit.

How do I submit my site to AdSense for review?

When you’ve addressed the above points, submit your site for review through the Sites page in your AdSense account. The review process usually takes a few days and you’ll be notified about the review results through your AdSense account. Was this helpful? How can we improve it?

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How long does it take to activate Google AdSense?

Upon completion, we review your entire site to check it complies with the AdSense Program policies and email you when your account is fully activated. This usually takes a few days, but in some cases it can take 2-4 weeks. Then you can set up ads on your site and start earning money. How to activate your AdSense account?

Why can’t I Activate my AdSense account on my site?

If your site is under construction, doesn’t load, or is difficult to navigate, we can’t activate your account. Make sure you provided the correct URL when you created your AdSense account. Review your site to make sure it complies with our Program policies. Copy the code exactly as it appears on your AdSense homepage.

How to make money with Google AdSense?

If we talk about making money online then not a single person deny the fact that Google AdSense program is one of the best resource for earning handsome money from your blogs, responsive websites or AMP implemented sites, Mobile friendly sites, Games, YouTube Videos and even on site search result pages etc. Did you know?