
What is the difference between old and new social movement?

What is the difference between old and new social movement?

It is clearly elaborated by Habermas that new social movements are the ‘new politics’ which is about quality of life, individual self-realisation and human rights whereas the ‘old politics’ focus on economic, political, and military security.

What are characteristics of new social movements?

New social movements concentrate on the grassroots level with the aim to represent the interests of marginal or excluded groups. Therefore, new collective actions are locally based, centered on small social groups and loosely held together by personal or informational networks such as radios, newspapers, and posters.

What do new social movements focus on?

New social movements focus on issues related to human rights, rather than on materialistic concerns, such as economic development.

Can we apply the distinction between old and new social movements in the Indian context?

Yes, we can apply the distinction between old and new social movements in the Indian context. It is different from the new social movement where issues are based on the improvement in the quality of life such as the clean environment.

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What is the difference between social and social movements class 12?

(i) Social change is continuous and ongoing. It indicates Sum total of countless individual and collective action gathered across time and space. (ii) Social movements are directed towards some specific goals. It Involves long and continuous social effort and action by people.

Can we apply the distinction between old and new social movements in Indian context substantiate your answer with reasons?

We cannot apply the distinction of old and new social movements in the context of India. In a social movement, questions of social inequality can occur alongside other, equally important issues. Social inequality and unequal distribution of resources continue to be important elements in these movements.