
Is nondeterministic Turing machine possible?

Is nondeterministic Turing machine possible?

In a Non-Deterministic Turing Machine, for every state and symbol, there are a group of actions the TM can have. If all branches of the computational tree halt on all inputs, the non-deterministic Turing Machine is called a Decider and if for some input, all branches are rejected, the input is also rejected.

What are non deterministic Turing machines explain their equivalence with deterministic Turing machine?

The machine is said to be deterministic if there is only one possible action at each step. It is said to be nondeterministic if there are finitely many possible actions at each step. Some states are distinguished and called accepting states and one state is distinguished and called the initial state.

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Under what circumstance does a non deterministic Turing machine output accept?

An NTM accepts an input string if and only if at least one of the possible computational paths starting from that string puts the machine into an accepting state.

What is the difference between deterministic and nondeterministic Turing machine?

In a deterministic Turing machine, the set of rules impose at most one action to be performed for any given situation. In a nondeterministic Turing machine, it may have a set of rules that prescribes more than one action for a given situation.

Is a nondeterministic Turing machine which has a single tape?

Non-deterministic Turing Machine: A non-deterministic Turing machine has a single, one way infinite tape. For a given state and input symbol has atleast one choice to move (finite number of choices for the next move), each choice several choices of path that it might follow for a given input string.

Why do we need non deterministic automata?

A non deterministic algorithm that can make the best choice would be able to solve the problem without backtracking , but a deterministic model can simulate non-deterministic with some extra work. Thus Non-deterministic model also work as search and backtracking algorithm also.