
How would you describe Easter Island?

How would you describe Easter Island?

Easter Island Today An isolated triangle measuring 14 miles long by seven miles wide, Easter Island was formed by a series of volcanic eruptions. In addition to its hilly terrain, the island contains many subterranean caves with corridors that extend deep into mountains of volcanic rock.

Is it worth it to go to Easter Island?

Overall Verdict. My time on Easter Island was truly incredible; it is a tropical paradise so far removed from the rest of South America (even the Galapagos Islands which seem over-run by tourists in comparison). Yes it’s expensive, yes it’s time consuming to reach but boy is it worth it.

Is Easter Island beautiful?

Known as the “navel of the world”, Easter Island combines beautiful beaches with inactive volcanoes, as well as the mystical presence of millenary stone statues scattered around the island: the moai. There are more than 800 stone statues buried in the island or located along the coast facing the sea.

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What’s so special about Easter Island?

The island is most famous for its nearly 1,000 extant monumental statues, called moai, which were created by the early Rapa Nui people. In 1995, UNESCO named Easter Island a World Heritage Site, with much of the island protected within Rapa Nui National Park. In 1966, the Rapa Nui were granted Chilean citizenship.

Who lives on Easter Island now?

The Rapa Nui are the indigenous Polynesian people of Easter Island. The easternmost Polynesian culture, the descendants of the original people of Easter Island make up about 60\% of the current Easter Island population and have a significant portion of their population residing in mainland Chile.

Is there WiFi on Easter Island?

In Easter Island almost all hotels offer internet connection, in some cases through computers accessible to customers and in others there is WiFi signal, although it usually covers only the common areas and not the rooms. In both cases the connection is still very slow and is often interrupted.

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Is Easter Island safe?

Is Easter Island safe? It’s hard to think of any safer place than Easter Island. Tourists that are victims to violent crimes such as robbery, rape or murder is unheard of. Unless you’re looking for a fight, you can walk by yourself at night without worrying about your safety.

Does Easter Island have beaches?

Easter Island perhaps isn’t famous among world class beachgoers for having a broad supply of sandy beaches, but there are a few worth mentioning. The biggest beach of Rapa Nui is Anakena, located at the north-east side of the island. The beach has an ahu with seven moai statues in the sand.

Are there trees on Easter Island?

Easter Island was covered with palm trees for over 30,000 years, but is treeless today. There is good evidence that the trees largely disappeared between 1200 and 1650.

Why are there no trees on Easter Island?

When it rains on the island, also known as Rapa Nui, the water rapidly drains through the porous volcanic soil, leaving the grass dry again. That’s one reason why the island at the end of the world has stayed almost entirely bare, with no trees or shrubs.

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