
How do you calculate nuts?

How do you calculate nuts?

If the nut is metric, count the number of lines on the tape measure to find the measurement. If you count 9 lines, the size is a 9-mm (millimeter) nut. If the nut is US standard, count the smallest lines on the tape measure in sixteenths. Add the sixteenths together to find the size.

What happens if you check the nuts?

The player checks back and shows down the ace-high flush — an unbeatable hand on that board. The reason for the rule is to prevent collusion or “soft play” between players, although in most cases a player checking back the nuts often does so without realizing he or she has an unbeatable hand.

How do I bet on the nuts?

Here are some ideas to keep in mind when you flop the nuts.

  1. Bet Out for Value.
  2. Slow Play for Value.
  3. Things Can Change.
  4. Hope for Another Big Hand from an Opponent.
  5. Reel In Maximum Profits.
  6. Isolate and Eliminate Players.
  7. Don’t Be Afraid to Fold on Bad Turn or River Cards.
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How do I know if my nut is metric or standard?

How long is that bolt? Most bolts come in pretty uniform lengths; and this is a good way to determine if the bolt is metric or standard. Measure the bolt length (not including the cap), and see if it’s closer to a fraction of an inch, or a nice and round millimeter length that ends in 5 or 0.

What is flopping the nuts in poker?

Flopping the nuts means when a person hits the best possible hand that has a high likelihood of winning during the flop round then he is said to have flop the nuts.

What does it mean when you have the nuts in poker?

The Nuts in poker means the best possible hand. It is often referred to as the stone cold nuts for emphasis. While the nuts in Hold’em is technically the royal flush, the term nuts is used to describe the strongest possible holding given the situation.

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Do you have to raise with the nuts?

In order for the penalty to be considered when there is a bet, the player with the nuts must be able to raise without that raise affecting the possible calling action of anyone else. For example, 3 players on the river, players 1, 2, 3, and act in that order.