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Why was Obi-Wan so weak against Dooku?

Why was Obi-Wan so weak against Dooku?

Obi Wan was unable to defeat Count Dooku because the Count was a significantly better lightsaber duelist. Obi Wan was a master in Form III lightsaber combat. Form III is an almost entirely defensive style of combat. Obi Wan was essentially a diplomat before the Clone Wars.

Why did Obi-Wan beat Anakin?

Originally Answered: Why was Obi-Wan Kenobi able to defeat Anakin after being easily defeated by Count Dooku? Dooku got lucky against Obi-Wan, and Anakin got lucky against Dooku. Obi-Wan was on the ropes during the entire battle, and won thanks to his clearer head and use of the terrain.

What happened to Anakin Skywalker during the battle with Count Dooku?

So he’s old, and nearly old enough to be an invalid. During that scene, Anakin keeps getting egged on by Palpatine, who repeatedly tells Anakin to kill him. Eventually, he succumbs to his anger and rage and uses the Dark Side to defeat Count Dooku.

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Was Obi-Wan arrogant?

The thing about Obi Wan’s arrogance is its more subtle. It reveals itself more in his tendency to be mean, spiteful, condescending, belittling or dismissive of other characters and their opinions, thoughts or feelings. But it’s there nonetheless. It’s there in his continual belief that he’s always right.

Was Obi-Wan holding back?

9 Alone Against Count Dooku Nevertheless, Obi-Wan took on Dooku alone in the climax of Attack Of The Clones after Anakin Skywalker rashly charged into battle and was summarily dismissed. Obi-Wan held his own against Dooku, who was clearly holding back. Still, Obi-Wan’s bravery and commitment were powerful.

Who kills Obi-Wan?

As a diversionary tactic to help the others escape, Kenobi sacrificed himself to Vader. The Dark Lord struck the Jedi down, and Kenobi became one with the Force. He left behind no body, just empty robes and his own Jedi weapon. Kenobi’s death strengthened Skywalker’s resolve to serve both the Rebellion and the Force.

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Is Obi-Wan weak?

Obi-Wan Kenobi However, in the novel Rising Force, it’s made clear that he was considered weak in the Force, and was only trained at Qui-Gon’s insistence. What he lacked in raw Force power he made up for in his knowledge and understanding of the Force.

How did Anakin win against Dooku?

Dooku defeated by Anakin Skywalker. Prior to his conversion to the dark side, unlike Qui-Gon, Dooku refused to believe he was the Chosen One and voiced the hope that the boy would be sent back to Tatooine. Anakin and Dooku became enemies during the First Battle of Geonosis.