
Can a displacement be negative?

Can a displacement be negative?

Displacement can be positive, negative, and even zero.

When can you say that displacement is negative?

If one follows the rule of always subtracting the first position from the second, the sign always works out to be positive if the displacement is to the right and negative if the displacement is to the left.

What is a real life example of displacement?

If an object moves relative to a reference frame—for example, if a professor moves to the right relative to a whiteboard, or a passenger moves toward the rear of an airplane—then the object’s position changes. This change in position is known as displacement.

What is negative positive displacement?

Displacement is quantity which considers magnitude as well as direction. If you move in forward direction with reference to your reference point ( initial position) then the displacement will be positive and if you move in backward direction with reference to the initial positin then the displacement is negative.

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Which displacement reaction is possible?

Displacement reactions involve a metal and a compound of a different metal. In a displacement reaction: Displacement reactions are easily seen when a salt of the less reactive metal is in the solution….Investigating displacement.

Reactions seen
Magnesium 3
Zinc 2
Iron 1
Copper 0

Can displacement be zero explain with example?

Yes. For example, a car travels from point A to B and then comes back. Suppose AB=5m. In this case, distance travelled is 10m, while the displacement is zero.

Is it possible to have negative value in speed and displacement?

Answer: Speed have never negative value but displacement have negative value. Explanation: Speed have never negative value because it is a scalar quantity and does not have direction.