
How do I reference the position of an object in unity?

How do I reference the position of an object in unity?

How to reference current position of an object

  1. var gameobject = GameObject. Find(“Tank”). position;
  2. Vector3 endpoint = new Vector3(5.0f, 0f, 0f);
  3. Debug. Log(gameobject);
  4. if (gameobject == endpoint )
  5. GameObject. Destroy(gameObject);
  6. Debug. Log(“True”);
  7. }
  8. else.

How do you make the camera follow the move object in unity?

Create a virtual camera from the Cinemachine menu. Click on the newly created virtual camera. Arrange your camera position, rotation or other settings as if it is your main camera. Then assign your target object to the Follow slot.

How do I make an object follow a path in blender?

Select your path and press Shift S and select Snap Cursor to Selected, then select the other object and press Shift S and Snap Selection to Cursor. Then you can add the follow path constraint and the ball will move to the beginning of the path.

How do you change positions in unity?

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Create an empty gameObject for start point, other for end point and assign them in the inspector.

  1. var start : Transform;
  2. var end : Transform;
  3. function Update () {
  4. position = Vector3. Lerp(start. position, end. position, Time. time);
  5. }

How do you focus on a selected object?

10 Answers on the your keyboard’s numeric keypad. This adjusts your 3D View to focus on the selected object. You can also press / on the numeric keypad to get a “local view” of the selected object (pressing / again will pop you back to the scene view). To show all non-hidden objects in the 3D View, press Home .

How do I rotate the camera around an object in unity?

How to rotate the camera around an object

  1. public GameObject player;
  2. private Vector3 offset;
  3. public float rotateSpeed = 3.0F;
  4. void Start()
  5. offset = transform. position – player. position;
  6. }
  7. void LateUpdate ()
  8. position = player. position + offset;