
How is the work culture in France?

How is the work culture in France?

There is very much a ‘work hard’ ethos across businesses in France. The usual day is from about 9am to 6pm, with a long lunch of anything up to two hours. However, there are favourable employment laws to restrict working hours, which is one of the reasons that France is considered a good place to work.

How many hours do the French work?

35 hours
Work hours in France French labor law dictates that the standard workweek in France is 35 hours per week. However, this can vary based on the industry and is subject to any collective bargaining agreements. Anything beyond this is considered overtime and should be compensated as such.

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How many hours a week do the French work?

France famously has a legally mandated 35-hour work week, enshrined in law since 2000.

What is the work/life balance like in France?

This statistic shows the proportion of employees who are satisfied or not with the balance between their personal and professional lives in France in 2019. That year, a majority of French people, namely 68 percent, declared that they were satisfied with their work-life balance.

Do French people like their jobs?

65\% of French employees have negative feelings about their place of work. The study, conducted by Sharp among 6,000 professionals across Europe, reveals that the French describe their work environment as “uninspiring”.

Is it good to work in France?

Economy & Employment Rate. The country is a member of the G7 and G8 powers, cementing France’s place as one of the world’s strongest and most successful economies. France’s unemployment rate stands at 9\%, meaning that skilled engineers and technicians wanting to work in France have an excellent chance of employment.

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Which country has the best work life balance?

Denmark is the number one country for work life balance. According to the OECD, an important aspect of work-life balance is the amount of time a person spends at work. Evidence suggests that long work hours may damage personal health, risk safety and increase stress.

Are French workers productive?

Aggregate productivity in France is high. Even though GDP per hour worked in France was seven percent lower than in the United States in 2017, it is about 25 percent higher than the OECD and EU28 averages. It is also higher than the G7 average.

Is it impossible to get fired in France?

In France if an employer wants to terminate an employment contract, he must be able to show a justifiable reason “cause réelle et sérieuse” and respect the dismissal procedures. These rules are of “public order” so employees cannot contract out of them. A dismissal can only be made by an employer and not a judge.

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What are the advantages of working in France?

Depending on the size of the company where you work, you may also be entitled to paid maternity and paternity leave and time off for some weddings and funerals. As we all know, meal times are sacred in France.