
What does Iago say about reputations?

What does Iago say about reputations?

Oh, my reputation, Iago, my reputation! As I am an honest man, I thought you had received some bodily wound. There is more sense in that than in reputation. Reputation is an idle and most false imposition, oft got without merit and lost without deserving.

Why does Iago tell Othello reputation is important?

Iago uses his reputation to manipulate Othello and set his plan in motion and complete it. Without Iago’s honest reputation would never had allowed him smear Cassio and cause the death of Desdemona and ultimately Othello as well. Othello’s reputation also plays a big role in this play and the outcome of it.

What does Iago care about?

He cares for no one, yet he devotes his whole life to revenge rather than walk away in disdain. He believes in cheating and lying for gain, yet Shakespeare placed some of the most beautiful words in Iago’s mouth. Iago has a reputation for honesty, for reliability and direct speaking.

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Does Othello care about his reputation?

Reputation plays an important role in the play Othello that was written by Shakespeare. It is evident that Iago wouldn’t have been able to do what he did without such a good reputation of honesty. In fact Othello praises him and because of Iago’s reputation Othello takes caution when he is talking.

Does Iago care about reputation?

As Iago continues working towards attaining a marvelous reputation, he resorts to desperate actions. He cares so much about preserving his reputation as a tool for manipulation that once Roderigo finds out that his intentions are malicious, Iago kills Roderigo.

Why does Iago hate Othello?

Why does Iago hate Othello? The main reason Iago gives for plotting to destroy Othello is a suspicion that Othello may have had an affair with Emilia. Iago also mentions that he is attracted to Desdemona himself: “I do love her too” (2.1.).

How is Honour and reputation in Othello?

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Reputation and honor are two different things. They often are the difference between appearance and reality. Reputation is other people’s opinions of you, while honor is a high respect. In the play, Othello, a character named Iago has a great reputation; however, he has no real honor.

Who says reputation reputation reputation I have lost my reputation?

Cassio’s Reputation in Othello ”Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial. My reputation, Iago, my reputation!”

What does Iago say to Othello about reputation How does it contrast with what he told Cassio about reputation?

Is the immediate jewel of their souls. Of course these moralistic thoughts are in stark contrast to what Iago said to Cassio about reputation. Iago told Cassio that reputation was worthless in order to make Cassio forget his sense of shame and approach Desdemona about getting his job back.

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What does Iago think of Othello?

Iago explains that he wants to destroy Othello because he has been passed over for promotion to lieutenant; however, he offers other motives for his hatred of Othello throughout the course of the play. He mentions he believes Othello is having an affair with his wife, Emilia.

How is Iago presented in Othello?

He has the ability to charm and convince people of his loyalty and honesty–“Honest Iago,” according to Othello–but the audience is immediately introduced to his vitriol and desire for revenge, despite his lack of proved reason. Iago represents evil and cruelty for its own sake.

Why is Iago so jealous of Othello?

Iago felt that Othello was not suitable to be in charge and wanted it for himself. Iago was so jealous that he didn’t care who died as long as he got what he wanted. He wanted Othello to suffer so bad, he murdered his own wife after she told everybody that Iago was behind everything.