
When you say Filipino what comes in your mind?

When you say Filipino what comes in your mind?

Originally Answered: What phrase or word that comes into your mind when you hear ‘Philippines’? “Halo-halo,” the typical Philippine dessert, consisting of ice, coconut, condensed milk, fruit and a lot of other ingredients.

How can you say that a person is a Filipino?

Filipino is the Hispanized (or Anglicized) way of referring to both the people and the language in the Philippines. Note that it is also correct to say Filipino for a male and Filipina for a female. Never use or say Philippino, because that doesn’t sound right.

Why is it important to understand Filipino values?

They also added that it is important to be fueled by modern Filipino values because as a person it serves as one’s mirror of personality. Values make people decide of what is best. The most common values they are using during their shift are honesty, caring, respect, faith, being fair, and politeness.

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What comes into your mind when you see the Philippine flag?

Everytime we see the flag, the most common thing that comes to our mind would be Marcela Agoncillo, Emilio Aguinaldo, the Battle of Alapan, the historic June 12, 1898 or anything significant that is recorded in our history books. Our flag reminds us that we were once a colony of the Spanish and American governments.

What comes to your mind when you read or hear the word no man is an island?

The phrase ‘no man is an island’ expresses the idea that human beings do badly when isolated from others and need to be part of a community in order to thrive. John Donne, who wrote the work that the phrase comes from, was a Christian but this concept is shared by other religions, principally Buddhism.

What are the Filipino values?

Enumeration of Filipino values

  • Family orientation. The basic and most important unit of a Filipino’s life is the family.
  • Joy and humor.
  • Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity.
  • Religious adherence.
  • Ability to survive.
  • Hard work and industriousness.
  • Hospitality.
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How do you describe a Filipino?

Filipinos have been described as friendly, outgoing, sensitive, easily offended, nosy, garrulous, direct, hospitable, feisty, irreverent, good natured, clever, witty, gregarious, happy, generous, easy to laugh, gracious, easy to befriend, casual, fun loving, sensitive and hospitable.

What is your understanding of a Filipino values?

Filipino values are, for the most part, centered at maintaining social harmony, motivated primarily by the desire to be accepted within a group. The main sanction against diverging from these values are the concepts of “Hiya”, roughly translated as ‘a sense of shame’, and “Amor propio” or ‘self-esteem’.

How would you value the Filipino values?

Hiya, pakikisama, utang na loob & respect to others make a Filipino an individual with unique moral obligation to treat one another resulting to community ties. These values make Filipinos friendly, hospitable, polite & loyal. In brief, the Filipino core values influence how they behave in any situation.

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