
How does migration affect a family?

How does migration affect a family?

When children of a particular household in rural are migrated to urban areas, it will reduce the household size in rural areas. The joining of relatives from rural areas will change the family structure in urban area. The migration of children to the city may not affect the family structure in the village.

Is migration good for the Philippines?

Initially intended as a temporary measure to catalysed economic development, migration is now a major contributing economic force. Since four decades, labour migration has had positive and negative effects on the Philippines. The majority of the Filipino migrants are deployed to the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

What is the impact of OFW in family relations?

According to Tanalega (2012), OFWs tend to overcompensate their children for their absence by indulging materially, namely, giving the children money more than that to be appropriate. Edillon (2011) likewise stated that OFW parents ascribe higher value to children of OFWs face anxiety and loneliness.

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How does migration affect the Filipino family?

Migration may affect the psychological and physical health of left-behind children in two opposing ways: decreased time allotted by parents for maintaining their children’s health, which may have an adverse effect, and augmented household income through remittances, which may have a positive effect.

What are the negative impacts of the labor policy to the Philippines?

The most serious negative effect of labour export policies has been the neglect of domestic production and poor investments in infrastructure, agriculture, mining, export promotion, and social development because of the easy availability of funds from remittances.

Is migration positive or negative?

Host country

Advantages Disadvantages
A richer and more diverse culture Increasing cost of services such as health care and education
Helps to reduce any labour shortages Overcrowding
Migrants are more prepared to take on low paid, low skilled jobs Disagreements between different religions and cultures

Is labor migration good or bad?

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Labor migration is conventionally viewed as economically benefiting the family members who are left behind through remittances. However, splitting up families in this way may also have multiple adverse effects on education, health, labor supply response, and social status for family members who do not migrate.