
What is the importance of on-the-job training to students?

What is the importance of on-the-job training to students?

On-the-job training helps instructors, too. They can see how their lessons work in practice and then fine-tune them. The process even lets instructors field-test the ideas and techniques they teach. Sometimes, this testing leads not only to better teaching, but also to better processes.

What is on-the-job training for student?

WHAT IS ON-THE-JOB TRAINING? A training program for students designed to immerse them in a work environment relevant to their courses in the attempts to learn productivity in, knowledge on, and respect for the workplace.

What is the purpose of on-the-job training?

The main objective of ‘on-the-job training’ is to acquaint the students formally to a real life work place environment. This will help to explore the relationship between the knowledge & skills acquired in college with those required in the working situations.

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How effective is on the job training?

On-the-job training is usually the most effective way to learn the skills needed for your job. They will also be more likely to learn skills that are actually helpful with their job rather than just as a tick in a check-box on the way to a qualification.

In which situations would one benefit by on the job training?

Benefits of Job Training

  • Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees.
  • Increased employee motivation.
  • Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain.
  • Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods.
  • Increased innovation in strategies and products.
  • Reduced employee turnover.

Which is more effective on the job training or off the job training?

On the job training is cost effective compared to off the job training. Experienced employees will train in on the job training where as subject experts will provide training in off the job training. Regular work will not be interrupted in the on the job training.

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Why on the job training is more effective than off the job training?

Effective on the job training enhances the technical practical skills of the employees and the off the job training makes the employees to learn theoretical knowledge. Motivation and attitudes of the employees will be enhanced by attending on the job and off the job trainings.

Why on the job training is better than off the job training?

On the job training involves the hands-on experience of the trainees which is not with the case of off the job training. On-the-job training is carried out by the experienced employees. Unlike off-the-job training which is provided by the experts. On the job training is less expensive than off the job training.