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Why are dwarves good blacksmiths?

Why are dwarves good blacksmiths?

The dwarves were not only blacksmiths, but also magic wielders, and fashioned all of the enchanted weapons owned by the gods. These weapons were mainly procured by Loki. Loki was so pleased with the items that the brothers made that he declared them the best of all smiths.

What weapons would Elves use?

Elves generally used straight swords while Orcs generally used curved swords. Both races have exceptions: Egalmoth of Gondolin used a curved sword and the Uruk-hai of Isengard used short, broad blades. Tolkien often mentions the use of shields together with one-handed swords.

Are elves dwarves?

In myths and tales, dwarfs and elves are small humanlike creatures, often endowed with magical powers. Dwarfs generally look like old men with long beards and are sometimes ugly or misshapen. Elves, known for their mischievous pranks, tend to be smaller in stature than dwarves.

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What are the swords in the Hobbit called?

The swords Glamdring and Orcrist named in The Hobbit fit two strands of the Medieval pattern, as they are both ancient, having been forged in the First Age, and were retrieved from a treasure-hoard, having been held by the three Trolls in their cave.

Who are better Smiths dwarves or elves?

Dwarves have made way bigger and more damaging weapons. The average Dwarf is MUCH better at smithing than the average Elf, simply because many Elves simply aren’t interested in it. The average Noldor Elf is interested, so their ability is a bit closer. The Dwarves are still inherently better at it, though.

What weapons would Dwarves use?


  • Axe. The Dwarven axe is the most famous and likely the most common weapon for any Dwarf soldier.
  • Sword. The Dwarven sword is less commonly wielded than the axe, namely due to their overall height; a long sword is impractical and a shorter short would be by Man and Elf standards, a dagger.
  • Mattock.
  • Hammer.
  • Bow.
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What bow do elves use?

Elves of Doriath and Lothlórien used longbows which were, as their name suggests, longer bows which could shoot farther and higher than any other types of bows. Elves were the first race to develop and master the use of bows, and later passed their knowledge to Men.

Who kills Smaug in The Hobbit?

Bard the Bowman
Bard the Bowman is a character in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. A Man of Laketown and a descendant of the ancient Lords of Dale, Bard manages to kill Smaug, the dragon, after which he becomes king of Dale.

Who was Sting before Bilbo?

Bilbo Baggins discovered Sting in the year TA 2941 in a troll-hoard, and used it during the Quest of Erebor. He later passed it to his heir Frodo Baggins.