
What are the features of cooperatives?

What are the features of cooperatives?

Features of a Cooperative Society – 10 Primary Features of a Cooperative Society: Voluntary Association, Open Membership, Service Motive, State Control and a Few Others

  • Voluntary Association:
  • Open Membership:
  • Service Motive:
  • State Control:
  • Democratic Management:
  • Separate Legal Entity:
  • Distribution of Surplus:

What are the functions of cooperative marketing?

The main functions of co-operative marketing societies are: (i) To market the produce of the members of the society at fair prices; (ii) To safeguard the members for excessive marketing costs and malpractices; (iii) To make credit facilities available to the members against the security of the produce brought for sale; …

What is a cooperative marketing?

Cooperative marketing can be defined as an agreement between two companies to promote or sell each other’s product while selling their own in order to complement each other’s service and provide mutual benefits. The products can either be complementary, supplementary or might have different seasonal cycles.

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What are the unique features of cooperative management?

Features of Cooperative form of Business

  • Voluntary Organisation: Cooperative organisation is a voluntary association of persons desirous of pursuing a common objective.
  • Democratic Management:
  • Service Motive:
  • Capital and Return Thereon:
  • Government Control:
  • Distribution of Surplus:

What is Cooperative Society its features?

According to the Commission, cooperatives have several defining characteristics: 1) they are open and voluntary associations; 2) they have a democratic structure, with each member having one vote; and 3) they have an equitable and fair distribution of economic results based on the volume of operations made through them …

What is the structure of cooperative marketing?

Cooperative Marketing – Structure. In India, the co-operative marketing societies have both two-tier and three- tier structure. At the national level NAFED serves as the apex institution. At the base level, there are primary co-operative marketing societies.

What is Cooperative Society give two features of it?

Features of a Cooperative Society It is compulsory for the co-operative society to get registration. The co-operative society is a separate legal identity to the society. It does not get affected by the entry or exit of its members. There is limited liability of the members of co-operative society.

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What are the features of cooperative audit?

Main features of Co-operative Audit The main features of Co-operative Audit relate to the following:- 1. ) Adherence to Co-operative Principles 2) Observance of provisions of Act, Rules and bye-laws. 3) Valuation of assets and Liabilities and Verification of Cash Balance and Securities.