
What Vedas says about parents?

What Vedas says about parents?

Father is your God and Mother is your Nature. They are the seed you are the Sapling. Now whatever good or bad they have in them, even inactive, will become a tree in you. So you inherit your parent’s good and bad both.

What are the teachings of Vedas?

The Vedas are believed to be the very breath of the Supreme Brahman and their import has reached posterity through the revelations experienced by sages and rishis . Time and again, the Lord assumes the form of preceptors to propagate this Vedic tradition which is also known as Sanatana Dharma.

What does Hinduism say about family?

Having a family, marrying and becoming a parent is the second ashrama and is seen by some Hindus as a duty. Many Hindus believe sharing wisdom with grandchildren and guiding them through rites of passage is part of the third ashrama.

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What does Vedas say about wife?

Wife under Hindu law is not only a “grahpatni,” but also a “dharma patni” and “shadharmini.” The wife is her husband’s best of friends. She is the source of Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. The husband is known as bharthi. He is supposed to support his wife.

What are my duties towards my parents?

You must bring joy to your parents, by your behavior. The parents must feel happy that their children are obeying them. You must respect your parents, whoever they may be and in whatever condition they may be. You must respect their words and obey their commands, without any reservation.

What does Bhagavad Gita say about Mother?

The Bhagavad Gita says that mothers should speak gently to everyone around, tell the truth always, and be gentle in their behavior. The Bhagavad Gita says that mothers should be careful in their conduct because their children are always watching them. Mothers should serve as models.

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What is the main theme of Vedas?

The term veda means “knowledge” in that they are thought to contain the fundamental knowledge relating to the underlying cause of, function of, and personal response to existence. They are considered among the oldest, if not the oldest, religious works in the world.

What does Yajurveda teach?

Michael Witzel interprets Yajurveda to mean a “knowledge text of prose mantras” used in Vedic rituals. Ralph Griffith interprets the name to mean “knowledge of sacrifice or sacrificial texts and formulas”. Carl Olson states that Yajurveda is a text of “mantras (sacred formulas) that are repeated and used in rituals”.

What are the values of family in India?

Indian family value system is unique, as it is intertwined with our rich cultural history. One of the longest surviving institutions of India, ‘Indian Family’ represents the three pillars of Loyalty, Integrity and Unity. The first lessons of collectivism and sacrificing individualism are learned from the family.

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What are the duties of a daughter towards her parents?

So, think of the below “duties” as ways of embracing that high honor.

  • Treat them with dignity and respect.
  • Don’t treat them like children.
  • Listen to them.
  • Make time for them.
  • Advocate for them.
  • Learn from them.
  • Teach them.
  • Make sure they have a place to call home.

What are the responsibilities of husband towards wife?

Roles And Responsibilities Of A Husband

  • Protect Your Wife. Has your wife ever told you how safe she feels in your arms?
  • Lead. The husband has always been the leader of the family.
  • Love Your Wife Unconditionally.
  • Be Patient With Her.
  • Fulfill Her Needs And Wishes.
  • Treat Her Well.
  • Spend Time With Your Wife.
  • Be There For Her.