Popular lifehacks

How do I make cool things with my mouse?

How do I make cool things with my mouse?

Top 10 computer mouse tips everyone should know

  1. Shift key and mouse click.
  2. Take full advantage of the scroll wheel.
  3. Select with double and triple click.
  4. Use the right-click.
  5. Ctrl key and mouse click or highlight.
  6. Use the mouse side buttons.
  7. Use the Windows Snap To feature.
  8. Manage the open window with the mouse.

What are the shortcuts for mouse?

Mouse shortcuts

Buttons Action
Left click Click, double-click, drag and drop
Right click Pull down menu
Scroll wheel Scroll vertically by rolling wheel up or down
Tilt wheel Scroll vertically by rolling wheel up or down, scroll horizontally by clicking wheel left or right

How do I make my mouse wheel click?

Many mice and some touchpads have a middle mouse button. On a mouse with a scroll wheel, you can usually press directly down on the scroll wheel to middle-click. If you don’t have a middle mouse button, you can press the left and right mouse buttons at the same time to middle-click.

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What does right clicking do?

To press the right button on the mouse and release it. Also called a “secondary click,” right clicking typically opens the context menu, which provides operations that pertain to the menu, file name or icon that is right clicked. For example, right clicking is the common way to find a file’s properties.

How do you left click with a scroll wheel?

Go to the normal mouse tab, add a new button, go to the “click here to select mouse button” area and scroll the wheel. It will capture that action and you may assign it to what you want.

How many buttons are there in a mouse?

Many standard mice have two buttons: a left button and a right button. If you are right handed, the left mouse button will be directly under your index finger when you place your hand on the mouse.

What does Ctrl left click do?

Highlighting objects. If you single-click while holding down the Ctrl key, you may select multiple files or objects at the same time. Press and hold the left or right Ctrl key on the keyboard. While continuing to hold Ctrl , select each additional item you want to highlight.

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What is dragging in ICT?

Dragging is used to move an object from one position to another position on the computer screen. As cursor moved on the screen, the object is also moved with the cursor position.

What are the best computer mouse tips everyone should know?

Top 10 computer mouse tips everyone should know Shift key and mouse click. Many text editors and programs allow you to highlight all or portions of text using the Shift… Take full advantage of the scroll wheel. Today, everyone is familiar with a mouse wheels ability to scroll up and down… Select

Why do we use the mouse?

Whenever we feel that we need to click, we press the mouse button (a true replacement of the Enter key). Actually, we use the mouse to perform very little and I say so because we do not know the inner potential and are unaware of many tricks associated with it.

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How do you highlight text with a mouse and keyboard?

Shift key and mouse click Many text editors and programs allow you to highlight all or portions of text using the Shift key and the mouse. Today, everyone is familiar with a mouse wheels ability to scroll up and down on a page. Any word can be selected by double-clicking the word.

Do you really use your mouse as an input device?

The Mouse as an input device was one of the coolest inventions in the history of computers. It makes GUI so easy to handle that most of us prefer to use it over keyboard. But then, how many of us really use the mouse to its fullest extent?