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Which student does Professor Snape seem to like in Harry Potter?

Which student does Professor Snape seem to like in Harry Potter?

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Severus Snape’s memories reveal that he fell in love with Harry’s mother Lily at a young age, even before they both attended Hogwarts. He grew bitter upon learning that Lily preferred James Potter, a man who publicly ridiculed and humiliated him as a student, over him.

What does it mean when Professor Snape says always?

ALWAYS! A word which replaced the name ‘ ‘unconditional’ for love. It is a word that was said by Severus Snape upon asking ‘after all this time’ from him. Snape loved Harry’s mother Lily unconditionally.

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What kind of lessons does Snape give Harry in order to protect his mind from Voldemort?

Harry Potter’s first Occlumency lesson with Snape The most basic form of Occlumency, judging from Severus Snape’s early lessons on the subject to Harry Potter, involved clearing one’s mind — making it “blank and empty” — in order to prevent a Legilimens from perceiving one’s emotions and thoughts.

Did Snape use legilimency on students?

There is evidence that Snape may be using his Legilimency powers not only in Occlumency lessons, however, but also in daily interactions with Harry. Harry is right: Snape can read minds and has probably learned that the trio is investigating the Sorcerer’s Stone (and that they suspect him of trying to steal it).

Did Snape send his Patronus to Harry?

Yet despite the danger of his mission, and despite being hated by most of the wizarding world, Snape held on to the one thing that kept him going: the safety of Lily’s son. He even sent his Patronus to guide Harry Potter to the sword of Gryffindor (a known Horcrux-killer) in a nearby lake.

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Did Snape actually try to teach Harry Occlumency?

A short-lived series of private lessons took place after Christmas in the 1995–1996 school year, during which Severus Snape attempted to teach Harry Potter the skill of Occlumency.

How does Harry read snapes mind?

During Harry’s Occlumency lessons with Snape in the Order of the Phoenix, Harry uses Protego in response to Snape’s attempt to enter his mind. This results in the spell rebounding and consequently Harry sees some of Snape’s memories.

Is legilimency illegal?

Like Occlumency, Legilimency was not regularly taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Considering that it invaded peoples’ privacy, Legilimency may have been a legally restricted magical practice, just as the use of Veritaserum was strictly regulated by the Ministry of Magic.