
What is your action if you discover a fire in ship?

What is your action if you discover a fire in ship?

In case of fire, raise the Fire/General alarm as soon as possible. Try to stop fire and if it is not possible, muster according to the Fire Muster List.

What is the first thing you do if you discover a fire?

Anyone discovering a fire should raise the alarm immediately, regardless as to how small the outbreak is or how innocuous it appears to be. Fires can develop very quickly and every second counts.

What would you do if you see smoke or fire onboard?

As soon as a fire is detected, several actions should be taken to ensure the safety of the vessel and the personnel.

  1. General alarm should be sounded.
  2. Bridge team should be informed.
  3. Fire party should muster.
  4. The fire should be isolated, by closing ventilation system, skylights, doors, boundary cooling, etc.
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What do you see in a fire?

Typically, the hottest part of a flame — the base — glows blue, and the cooler parts at the top glow orange or yellow. In addition to emitting light, the rising carbon particles may collect on surrounding surfaces as soot. Fire forms a sphere in microgravity.

How do you extinguish a fire in the ocean?

Extinguishing the fires

  1. Dousing with copious amounts of water.
  2. Using a gas turbine to blast a fine mist of water at the base of the fire.
  3. Using dynamite to “blow out” the fire by forcing the burning fuel and oxygen away from the fuel source.
  4. Dry Chemical (mainly Purple K) can be used on small well fires.

Where is fire control plan in ship?

654(16) provides a standardized set of symbols to be used. A copy of the Fire Control Plan is to be permanently stored in a prominently marked weathertight enclosure outside the deckhouse for the assistance of shore-side fire-fighting personel.

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What are the items shown in a fire control plan?

What are contents of fire control plan on ships?

  • Control stations on each deck.
  • The sections of the ship which are enclosed by fire resisting Bulkheads.
  • Particulars of fire detection and fire alarms system.
  • The sprinkler installation (fixed fire fighting system)
  • Location of Fire Extinguishing appliance.