
Where do you go during a tornado in an upstairs apartment?

Where do you go during a tornado in an upstairs apartment?

Go to the lowest floor, small center room (like a bathroom or closet), under a stairwell , or in an interior hallway with no windows. Crouch as low as possible to the floor, facing down; and cover your head with your hands.

What do you do if you are home alone and there is a tornado?

If you are indoors, take cover in the cellar or a small space (a closet or bathroom) in the interior of your home. If you can’t decide where to go, choose the bathroom. The bathtub is a good, solid structure to hunker down in. Stay away from windows!

What is the safest place in your house during a tornado?

Go to the basement or an inside room without windows on the lowest floor (bathroom, closet, center hallway). If possible, avoid sheltering in a room with windows. For added protection get under something sturdy (a heavy table or workbench). Cover your body with a blanket, sleeping bag or mattress.

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What to do if you’re outside during a tornado?

If you’re outside when a tornado approaches, find shelter quickly. If there is no shelter nearby, go to a low-lying area such as a ditch or ravine and lie flat. Protect your head and neck with an object or with your arms. Avoid areas with many trees.

What to do during a tornado if you live in a trailer?

If you live in a mobile home, it’s important that you leave the mobile home to find shelter elsewhere. If no shelter is immediately available, leave your mobile home and lie down in the lowest-lying area near you, covering your head with your hands.

What are the 5 steps to prepare for a tornado?

8 Must-Know Tips to Help You Prepare for a Tornado

  1. Know the Key Tornado Warning Signs.
  2. Designate a Tornado Shelter or Safe Room.
  3. Create an At-Home Safety Kit with Tornado Essentials.
  4. Keep a Tornado Kit in Your Car.
  5. Build a Cat and Dog Emergency Kit.
  6. Don’t Forget Important Documents.
  7. Invest in a Portable Phone Charger.