
Who invented the lm741?

Who invented the lm741?

Operational amplifier

Invented Karl D. Swartzel Jr.
First production 1967
Pin configuration V+: non-inverting input V−: inverting input Vout: output VS+: positive power supply VS−: negative power supply
Electronic symbol
Circuit diagram symbol for an op amp. Pins are labeled as listed above.

What is an audio op amp?

What Is An Operational Amplifier? An operational amplifier is basically a differential amplifier with a very high amplification (ideally infinite). It has a non-inverting and an inverting input, an output and of course pins for the power supply.

What is a discrete amp?

A discrete amplifier is an amplifier made of individual parts. Usually it defines an amplifier with solid state components even though tubes also are discrete parts. Components like resistors, capacitors, inductors, regulators, transistors, FET’s, MOSFET’s e.t.c are considered discrete parts.

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What should be its value for a good opamp?

An “ideal” or perfect operational amplifier is a device with certain special characteristics such as infinite open-loop gain AO, infinite input resistance RIN, zero output resistance ROUT, infinite bandwidth 0 to ∞ and zero offset (the output is exactly zero when the input is zero).

What is the best op-amp?

The Top 10 operational amplifiers on SnapEDA

  • #10 LM741 from Texas Instruments.
  • #9 LM358-N from Texas Instruments.
  • #8 LM324 from Texas Instruments.
  • #7 RC4558 from Texas Instruments.
  • #6 NE5532 from Texas Instruments.
  • #5 TL072 from Texas Instruments.
  • #4 OPA2134 from Texas Instruments.
  • #3 LM339 from Texas Instruments.

Are Class A amps better?

Class A is inherently less linear, but there are plenty of ways to counteract that. The only real difference is one of efficiency – Class A can never be better than 50\% efficient, whereas Class D can approach 100\% efficient. But efficiency is unrelated to sound quality.