
What happens when L4-L5 disc bulge?

What happens when L4-L5 disc bulge?

A slipped disc is one of the most common causes of a pinched nerve. An L4-L5 disc bulge or slip-disc (slipped disc) pinches and leads to serious health issues, including impotence, reproduction issues, infertility, loss of bowel and bladder control, or paralysis in one or both legs.

Is L4-L5 disc bulge serious?

The L4-L5 disc is at a high risk of degeneration. This risk may be due to increased loads at the L4-L5 motion segment and decreased movement in the segments below this level. A change in disc height due to degeneration may affect the lordosis of the lumbar spine.

What does a bulging L5 disc feel like?

A herniated disc at lumbar segment 4 and 5 (L4-L5) usually causes L5 nerve impingement. In addition to sciatica pain, this type of herniated disc can lead to weakness when raising the big toe and possibly in the ankle, also known as foot drop. Numbness and pain can also be felt on top of the foot.

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What do the nerves between L4 and L5 control?

The L4 and L5 nerves (along with other sacral nerves) contribute to the formation of the large sciatic nerve that runs down from the rear pelvis into the back of the leg and terminates in the foot.

Can L4 and L5 cause knee pain?

If you have sciatica, a likely cause of your knee symptoms may be compression of the L4 spinal nerve root (L4 radiculopathy). Common causes for the compression of this nerve root are a herniated disc or spinal stenosis in your lower back.

Can L4 cause hip pain?

If a nerve is trapped at L2 or L3 or L4 this will affect the femoral nerve (as seen below) and we suffer from femoral nerve impingement which provides both feeling and power to the front of the thigh. Therefore we experience pain in this specific anatomy.

How do you sleep with L4 L5 disc bulge?

If you have a herniated disc, you may want to try sleeping on your side curled in a fetal position:

  1. Lay on your back and then roll over gently onto your side.
  2. Tuck your knees toward your chest and gently curl your torso toward your knees.
  3. Remember to switch sides from time to time to prevent any imbalances.