
Is it our self or ourself?

Is it our self or ourself?

Neither “ourself” nor “our self”, but ourselves. Our is the possessive, which comes from the pronoun we. It’s a rule that the plural of some words ending in f or which have f as penult will be changed to ves.

Is it correct to say ourself?

Ourself is sometimes used instead of ‘ourselves’ when it clearly refers to a singular subject. Some people consider this use to be incorrect.

What is the mean of our self?

pronoun. one’s own person, individuality, etc., considered as private and apart from others: It is for ourself that we should strive for greater knowledge.

Is ourself singular or plural?

The standard reflexive form corresponding to we and us is ourselves, as in we can only blame ourselves. The singular form ourself, first recorded in the 14th century, is sometimes used in modern English, typically where ‘we’ refers to people in general.

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How do you use themselves and theirselves?

Is it themselves or theirselves?

  1. Themselves is the standard, correct version and occurs more than 3,000 times more frequently than theirselves.
  2. Theirselves is rare in spoken English and incredibly rare in written English.

How do you use ourself in a sentence?

Ourself sentence example

  1. I believe we ought to love our neighbor like we love ourself .
  2. We don’t make ourself ill with our own pollution.
  3. When we analyze ourself , what we are primarily doing is analyzing the subconscious mind to find out how it works.

What is the difference between each other and themselves?

You know we use ‘each other/one another’ instead of reflexives (e.g themselves) when the similar action goes both ways between 2 or more people.

Is ourselves one word or two?

As both two words and as a single word (yourself instead of your self) the plural our would still make it “selves.” The only times it would be ourself is with a royal or editorial we.

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What is the difference between each other and each others?

However, you should point out to students that each other is treated as a singular pronoun and emphasizes two or more separate people. Each other’s is always correct, and each others’ is never correct. Think of it this way: You would say We talked to each other for hours.