
Are you required to accept a departure procedure?

Are you required to accept a departure procedure?

Obstacle departure procedures are not mandatory unless of course, it was included with the ATC clearance. Typically the ATC clearance will not include the ODP unless the controller assigns it for separation. It is the pilot’s responsibility to avoid obstacles until at or above the minimum vectoring altitude.

What is the purpose of a SID?

A Standard Instrument Departure Route (SID) is a standard ATS route identified in an instrument departure procedure by which aircraft should proceed from take-off phase to the en-route phase.

What is a departure clearance?

Departure clearance The majority of commercial flights operate under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). These flights are always given a clearance, usually before leaving the apron or gate where the airplane is parked. This clearance includes the: Clearance limit – Usually an airport or a fix.

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What are the two types of departure procedures?

There are two types of DPs: Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODP), printed either textually or graphically, and Standard Instrument Departures (SID), always printed graphically.

When can you fly an obstacle departure procedure?

The FAA creates an ODP if obstacles require that a climb of more than 200 feet per nm be maintained for acceptable terrain separation. In conjunction with a prescribed lateral path, the ODP often will require that the aircraft be able to maintain a specified climb gradient steeper than the standard 200 feet nm.

Where does a departure procedure end?

The pilot crossing the departure end of the runway at least 35 feet above the departure end of runway elevation.

At which point does the basic instrument departure procedure?

Terms in this set (19) (Refer to Figures 163 and 164) Using an average ground speed of 120 knots, what minimum rate of climb must be maintained to meet the required climb rate (feet per NM) to 6,800 feet as specified on the instrument departure procedure for Rwy 32?

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