
What is NOODP in SEO?

What is NOODP in SEO?

Noodp and noydir are tags that are often found in the code on websites. Here’s what they stand for: Noodp = No Open Directory Project. Noydir = No Yahoo Directory.

What is content NOODP?

Noodp= No Open Directory Project. Noydir= No Yahoo Directory. These are used if your website is listed in one of these directories with information you do not want used in the results pages. This might be the case if you have old, outdated listings that no longer apply.

What is Noarchive tag?

NOARCHIVE tag tells Google not to store a cached copy of your page. NOSNIPPET tag tells Google not to show a snippet (description) under your Google listing, it will also not show a cached link in the search results.

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What is meta name robots content noindex nofollow />?

noindex means that a web page shouldn’t be indexed by search engines and therefore shouldn’t be shown on the search engine’s result pages. nofollow means that search engines spiders shouldn’t follow the links on that page. You can add these values to your robots meta tag.

What are meta robots SEO?

Meta robots tag is a tag that tells search engines what to follow and what not to follow. It is a piece of code in the section of your webpage. It’s a simple code that gives you the power to decide about what pages you want to hide from search engine crawlers and what pages you want them to index and look at.

What is no index no follow?

noindex means that a web page shouldn’t be indexed by search engines and therefore shouldn’t be shown on the search engine’s result pages. nofollow means that search engines spiders shouldn’t follow the links on that page.

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What is meta name robots content noindex?

Googlebot interprets the following robots meta tag values: noindex – prevents the page from being included in the index. nofollow – prevents Googlebot from following any links on the page. (Note that this is different from the link-level nofollow attribute, which prevents Googlebot from following an individual link.)

Which is better robots txt or meta robots tag?

Robots. txt files are best for disallowing a whole section of a site, such as a category whereas a meta tag is more efficient at disallowing single files and pages. You could choose to use both a meta robots tag and a robots.

When should you not index a page?

The bottom line for noindexing pages: if the content is useful for a reader, then leave it indexed. Generally, you should only noindex where the page has very little SEO value (ie. it is deemed thin by Google’s standards or is just low-value content) or where you don’t want the page to be accessed via search results.

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What is noindex in SEO?

noindex means that a web page shouldn’t be indexed by search engines and therefore shouldn’t be shown on the search engine’s result pages. nofollow means that search engines spiders shouldn’t follow the links on that page. It tells search engines how to crawl and whether to index a page.