
What can I do in 10 minutes free time?

What can I do in 10 minutes free time?

5 Ways to Better Fill 10 Spare Minutes at Work than Brewing Coffee

  • Hit the stairs or go for a walk.
  • Do administrative tasks that require the use of your body.
  • Find a quiet space to meditate or breathe.
  • Journal for five minutes.
  • Read books or articles.

How can I entertain myself in 10 minutes?

25 Things to do When You Have 10 Minutes to Spare

  1. Clean a bathroom.
  2. vacuum.
  3. clean out all the stuff in your car that doesn’t belong there.
  4. match socks.
  5. wash the dishes.
  6. gather all the trash from all the different rooms.
  7. schedule an appointment.
  8. read something inspirational.

What can I do for 10 minutes at work?

Productive things to do with 10 minutes at work

  1. Declutter your inbox. We’re usually buried in emails, both important and unimportant ones.
  2. Track your time.
  3. Set goals for the week ahead.
  4. Write a to-do list.
  5. Evaluate your progress.
  6. Organize your workspace.
  7. Make a phone call.
  8. Brainstorm for your new project.
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What can you teach in 10 minutes?

So let’s take a look at three things you can learn in only 10 minutes!

  • Learning Korean basics. You may think that learning a language takes much more time than just 10 minutes.
  • Learning Techniques For a Good Night’s Sleep. Some people say that getting a good sleep at night is not easy.
  • Learning To Use a Fire Extinguisher.

What can you do in nine minutes?

9 things you could do in the 9 minutes it took Robert Lewandowski to score 5 goals

  • Get turned down at Berghain.
  • Walk out of an Adam Sandler film.
  • Eat your weight in hot dogs.
  • Drink nearly a pint of beer.
  • Have sex (maybe even multiple times!)
  • Screw your own club in the biggest match of their professional history.

What can happen in 9 minutes?

What does 10 min intervals mean?

1] n. 1 a period of time equal to 60 seconds; one sixtieth of an hour.

What can you do in 11 minutes?

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11 Skills You Can Master In 11 Minutes Or Fewer

  • Learn how to tie a bow tie.
  • Learn a simple song on the guitar.
  • Learn how to read someone’s palm.
  • Learn how to order your meal in Spanish.
  • Learn how to fold your shirts properly.
  • Learn how to make the perfect scrambled eggs.
  • Learn some origami.