
How do natural resources exacerbate conflict in Africa?

How do natural resources exacerbate conflict in Africa?

For example, access to an oil rig or a mine could provide lucrative financial opportunities to rebel leaders to build and sustain rebel organizations, which would encourage armed conflict. This could override atypical social motives, such as inequality, political repression, and ethnoreligious divisions.

How are natural resources a source of conflict give an example?

One natural resource that will be a likely source of major conflict is water as many of the world’s major rivers and underground aquifers cross national boundaries. In several African nations, lucrative mineral resources – oil, diamonds, and other strategically important minerals – have fueled ongoing conflict.

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What is community based natural resource management in relation to wildlife management?

Abstract. Community based natural resources management (CBNRM) involves the management of land and natural resources such as pastures, forests, fish, wildlife and water by groups of rural people through their local institutions.

What are the challenges facing natural resource management?

These shared ecosystems face major threats, which include depletion of natural resources due to the rising population pressure, expansion in human activities; over-exploitation, unsustainable agricultural practices, over-fishing, pollution including both point and non-point sources, rampant conversion and destruction …

Does natural resource influence conflict in Africa Evidence from panel nonlinear relationship?

The empirical findings show that indicators of natural resources have significant positive effect on violence in Africa at 0.01 significant level. To maintain a conflict-free economy, low unemployment and decreased population growth rates are crucial to resolving the threat of conflict.

Why does conflict occur over the use of natural resources in Tanzania?

Causes and factors for conflict over natural resources leads to a situation where competition over resources increases. conflicts between government officials and local users. Privatisation policies of common natural resources or services can trigger. serious (political) conflicts within a society (e.g. land grabbing).

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What is a natural resource conflict?

Page 3. NATURAL RESOURCE CONFLICTS are disagreements and disputes over access to, and. control and use of, natural resources. These conflicts often emerge because people have dif- ferent uses for resources such as forests, water, pastures and land, or want to manage them in different ways.

What is resource conflict in project management?

When two projects need the same resources at the same time, a resource conflict arises. Instead, the sharing of capacity between projects is handled by means of prioritization or pulling backlog items in such a way as to create progress in several projects.

What is mismanagement of natural resources?

 Mismanagement of natural resources result in resource curse in many natural resource endowed countries.  This results in underdevelopment, abject poverty, poor transparency and accountability on resource rent and inequitable benefit distribution.

How do natural resources contribute to community development?

Natural resources encompass ecosystems, wildlife and habitat preservation, environmental protection, biodiversity and conservation of forests, water and energy resources. Renewable energy and energy efficiency promote savings and health benefits and provide opportunities for economic growth and sustainable development.

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How can we management of natural resources?

The various approaches applied to natural resource management include:

  1. Top-down (command and control)
  2. Community-based natural resource management.
  3. Adaptive management.
  4. Precautionary approach.
  5. Integrated natural resource management.
  6. Ecosystem management.