
What is meant by chain terminating group?

What is meant by chain terminating group?

chain terminating and non chain terminating in IUPAC NOMENCLATURE is used for functional groups. Chain terminating functional group are the groups that are present at the end of chain and terminates the chain.

How do you name a functional group IUPAC?

The carbon atoms have been numbered to help you to name the compound.

  1. Identify the functional group.
  2. Find the longest carbon chain.
  3. Number the carbon atoms in the longest chain.
  4. Look for any branched group, name them and give their position on the carbon chain.
  5. Combine the elements of the name into a single word.

What is chain termination step?

Chain termination is any chemical reaction that ceases the formation of reactive intermediates in a chain propagation step in the course of a polymerization, effectively bringing it to a halt. IUPAC definition.

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What is lowest Locant rule in organic chemistry?

The lowest set of locants is defined as the set that, when compared term by term with other locant sets, each cited in order of increasing value, has the lowest term at the first point of difference; for example, the locant set ‘2,3,5,8’ is lower than ‘3,4,6,8’ and ‘2,4,5,7’. (…)

Which has more priority longest chain or functional group?

Explanation: The longest carbon chain is carbons long (thus ” “), and the double bond makes it an alkene (thus ” “). The highest priority functional group is the double bond, and the carbon chain must be numbered such that this functional group is given the lowest number carbon.

How do you read an IUPAC name?

In summary, the name of the compound is written out with the substituents in alphabetical order followed by the base name (derived from the number of carbons in the parent chain). Commas are used between numbers and dashes are used between letters and numbers. There are no spaces in the name.

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What is the correct Iupac name of following compound?

Name IUPAC Official Name
A Unnilunium i
B Unniltrium ii
C Unnilhexium iii
D Unununnium iv

How to identify chain terminating functional groups in a compound?

5) Numbering the chain terminating functional group: When a chain terminating functional group such as -CHO , -COOH,-COOR , -CONH2 , -COCl, -CN etc is present , it is always given number 1 and number 1 is usually omitted from the final name of the compound when there is no ambiguity.

What is IUPAC nomenclature and why is it used?

When naming organic compounds, the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) nomenclature (naming scheme) is used. This is to give consistency to the names. It also enables every compound to have a unique name, which is not possible with the common names used (for example in industry).

What is the nomenclature of organic compounds with complex side chains?

Nomenclature of organic compounds containing complex side chains. In the first compound the complex substituent is written first although p(pentyl) comes after e(ethyl). In the second compound, the complex substituent is written later although m(methyl) comes after b(butyl).

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How to write the name of the branched chain alkane?

4) Name of the branched chain alkane: Prefix the name of the substituent to the name of the parent alkane and indicate its position by writing before it the number of carbon atom carrying the substituent.The name of the substituent is separated from its locant by a hyphen.The final name of the alkane is always written as one word.