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Is a lisp a speech impediment?

Is a lisp a speech impediment?

A lisp is a speech impediment that specifically relates to making the sounds associated with the letters S and Z. Lisps usually develop during childhood and often go away on their own.

Is having a lisp bad?

It is never too late to work on remediating a sound deviation such as a lisp. Although a lisp is considered a relatively minor speech error, many adults feel that a lisp negatively impacts their professional or social life. This in turn can contribute to a decrease in confidence around social communication.

Can braces fix a lisp?

Do you suffer from a lisp or whistling when pronouncing certain sounds? Along with your speech impairment, is your bite off? Orthodontic treatment could be the solution for clear speech, straight teeth, and an overall healthy smile. There are multiple types of bite issues that can cause speech impediments.

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Is a speech impediment considered a disability in Canada?

From a working environment to life at home, speech problems are a constant hindrance that negatively impacts various aspects of life. The Canadian government recognizes speech disorders as a disability for these reasons, making disability benefits in Canada available to those combating the condition.

What causes a child to have a speech impediment?

Problems or changes in the structure or shape of the muscles and bones used to make speech sounds. These changes may include cleft palate and tooth problems. Damage to parts of the brain or the nerves (such as from cerebral palsy) that control how the muscles work together to create speech. Hearing loss.

Can lisps be corrected?

While it’s best to treat a lisp when your child is still in their early school years, it’s never too late to correct lisping. With time and consistency, a speech therapist can help you treat a lisp so you can boost your communication skills and your self-esteem.

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Can you grow out of a speech impediment?

Many children with early speech impairments do eventually outgrow them by the time they are ready for kindergarten. It is important to discuss your concerns with your child’s healthcare provider for any developmental challenges as there are also many other causes and types of speech disorders.