
Should I read it if I watched the movie?

Should I read it if I watched the movie?

The film is meant to be an adaptation of the novel, not a continuation of it, so you certainly don’t have to read the book first in order to see It. In fact, if you do read the book first, you may even end up a bit confused since the movie doesn’t follow the original work to the letter.

Why is it better to watch the movie instead of reading the book?

While reading spurs your imagination, a movie helps you visualize all the elements of the books that were previously confined to your imagination. It immerses you into the story in a different way than a book.

Should I watch the Twilight movies or read the books first?

The Twilight Saga is one book series that should definitely be read first because it fills in a lot of the plot holes you might have been confused about while watching the movies. It even adds depth to the characters and explains their actions in ways you might not have realized otherwise.

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Is it okay to reading Harry Potter books after watching movies?

If you’ve watched only the movies, then just know one thing, you actually are missing out on 90\% of the reasons to love harry potter! After watching the movies, you’ll get to know what has happened throughout the story. If you read the books, you’ll understand what the wizarding world really is.

Is it worth to read Twilight?

sure, it is a worthy enough read…the reasons being: If you love romantic novels, go for it. All aspects of a romantic life are beautifully described. It is a fantasy story, but the way it is written makes it a series worth reading.

Is Twilight worth reading after watching?

Is it worth to read the Harry Potter books?

Originally Answered: Are the Harry Potter books worth reading? Yes, the books are worth reading. They have a richer feel than the films do, even though the films are spectacular. J.K. Rowling is one of the most talented storytellers and literary authors in history, in my opinion.

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What’s the difference between reading and watching?

Reading is an active process whereas watching is a passive one. One needs a lot more attention while reading a book than that of watching videos. That is the reason for slowness in the process of reading. Learning highly complex things is much faster and easier with videos as compared to the books.