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How do you calculate the velocity of a water rocket?

How do you calculate the velocity of a water rocket?

The velocity of the water leaving the nozzle is −Ve relative to the rocket (the “exhaust”), but we calculate the momenta relative to an observer at rest. Thus, water leaving the rocket, leaves at a velocity of v−Ve relative to the ground. All in all, we get: dMdtv+Mdvdt=(dMdt)(v−Ve).

How do you calculate thrust in water?

The force (thrust) is equal to the exit mass flow rate times the exit velocity minus the free stream mass flow rate times the free stream velocity.

What is thrust water?

When a body is wholly or partly immersed in fluid at rest, the fluid exerts pressure on every part of the body’s surface in contact with the fluid. The pressure is greater on the parts immersed more deeply in the fluid. So the thrust on all sides result in an upward force called buoyancy.

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How do you calculate thrust of water jet?

Therefore the overall thrust acting on waterjet becomes: S = Sint. + Sext. This expression clarifies what is the difference between what is commonly called “gross thrust”, Sg=W (c^ – Ct^, and the real thrust S.

How do I make my water rocket higher?


  1. Use higher pressures.
  2. Keep weight to a minimum.
  3. Increase rocket volume.
  4. Streamline the body of the rocket to reduce drag.
  5. Use a launch tube on the launcher.
  6. Use the right amount of water.
  7. Use an optimum sized nozzle.
  8. Use multiple stages.

How do you measure thrust?

Thrust is measured in “pounds of thrust” in the U.S. and in newtons in the metric system. 4.45 newtons of thrust equals 1 pound of thrust. A pound of thrust is how much thrust it would take to keep a one-pound object unmoving against the force of gravity on earth.

How is water jet distance calculated?

The velocity of the water jet v is found from the law of Torricelli. Where P is the pressure at height h from the top, P_a is atmosperic pressure and rho is the density of the fluid. Then the horizontal distance is v*sqrt(2H/9.8) where H is the height of the opening above the ground.