
What is socket programming explain the echo server and echo client program using UDP?

What is socket programming explain the echo server and echo client program using UDP?

UDP Echo Server In the UDP Echo server , we create a socket and bind to a advertized port number. Then an infinite loop is started to process the client requests for connections. The process receives data from the client using recvfrom () function and echoes the same data using the sendto() function.

What is socket with example?

Definition: A socket is one endpoint of a two-way communication link between two programs running on the network. A socket is bound to a port number so that the TCP layer can identify the application that data is destined to be sent to. An endpoint is a combination of an IP address and a port number.

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What is socket programming in distributed system?

A socket programming interface provides the routines required for interprocess communication between applications, either on the local system or spread in a distributed, TCP/IP based network environment. Once a peer-to-peer connection is established, a socket descriptor is used to uniquely identify the connection.

What is echo in socket?

An EchoServer is an application that allows a client and a server to connect so a client can send a message to the server and the server can receive the message and send, or echo, it back to the client.

What is echo server program?

An echo server is usually an application which is used to test if the connection between a client and a server is successful. It consists of a server which sends back whatever text the client sent.

Why do we use socket programming?

Socket programming shows how to use socket APIs to establish communication links between remote and local processes. The processes that use a socket can reside on the same system or different systems on different networks. Sockets are useful for both stand-alone and network applications.

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What is a UDP socket?

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) socket processes, unlike TCP socket processes, are not clearly distinguished by server and client roles. An unconnected socket can be used to communicate with any host; but a connected socket, because it has a dedicated destination, can send data to, and receive data from, only one host.

What is echo client and echo server?

What is concurrent echo server?

the concurrent server, Here, Client A has already established a connection with the server, which has then created a child server process to handle the transaction. This allows the server to process Client B’s request without waiting for A’s transaction to complete.