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What are product backlogs?

What are product backlogs?

A product backlog is a prioritized list of work for the development team that is derived from the roadmap and its requirements. The most important items are shown at the top of the product backlog so the team knows what to deliver first.

What is user story in backlog?

User stories are quite simple to construct. All you need is a description of a feature or requirement of a project. They can be written out on sticky notes, index cards, or the digital program of your choice. They are generally written from the perspective of the user.

Is acceptance criteria is same for all the product backlog user story?

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While the Acceptance Criteria of a User Story consist of set of Test Scenarios that are to be met to confirm that the software is working as expected. The difference between these two is that the DoD is common for all the User Stories whereas the Acceptance Criteria is applicable to specific User Story.

How many stories are in a product backlog?

The Product Backlog is the complete set of user stories we have to write. A user backlog has always N+1 stories. The backlog doesn’t have to include epics. Usually, teams that work with fully flexible scope and constant validation keep an extremely streamlined backlog.

Who creates a product backlog?

The Product Owner
The Product Owner (PO) “owns” the product backlog on behalf of the stakeholders, and is primarily responsible for creating it.

What is the major difference between product backlog and sprint backlog?

Product Backlog vs Sprint Backlog

Product Backlog Sprint backlog
Specific to the end goal Specific to the sprint
Will vary based on the customer vision Will vary based on the product vision as defined by the PO
The entire set of work in progress The subset of the product backlog
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What is the major difference between the product backlog and the sprint backlog?

Product Backlog vs Sprint Backlog

Product Backlog Sprint backlog
Product owner collects the backlog from the customer and assigns to the team The team collects the backlog from the PO and decides the time frame to complete during each sprint
Specific to the end goal Specific to the sprint

What is the difference between user story and acceptance criteria?

User story provides the context of the functionality the team should deliver. The acceptance criteria gives guidance about the details of said functionality and how the customer will accept them. So Acceptance Criteria are attributes that are unique to the User Story or Product Backlog Item.

Is user story part of product backlog?

Product Backlog It usually contains user stories, bugs, technical tasks, and knowledge acquisition. The backlog is periodically refined by the product owner and scrum team to ensure 2–3 sprints worth of work is always defined and prioritized.

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Which backlog contains user stories?

Team Backlog
The Team Backlog contains user and enabler Stories that originate from the Program Backlog, as well as stories that arise locally from the team’s local context. It may include other work items as well, representing all the things a team needs to do to advance their portion of the system.