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Is Forensic ballistics reliable?

Is Forensic ballistics reliable?

Is Forensic Ballistics Evidence Reliable? For many decades, ballistics has been held as an indisputable science in courtrooms across the United States. However, defense attorneys have been challenging the reliability of ballistics for nearly as long as judges have been accepting it as evidence in their courtrooms.

Is ballistics an exact science Yes or no?

Ballistic is the science of the motion of the projectile and the condition that affects their motion. Ballistics is not an exact science rather it is branch of physics or applied science which is subject to changes and development depending upon the demands of the modern civilization.

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Is ballistic evidence admissible in court?

Currently forensic ballistics testimony is allowed if the court is satisfied with the evidence and the qualifications of the expert.

What evidence can we get from forensic ballistics?

Forensic ballistics involves the examination of evidence from firearms that may have been used in a crime. When a bullet is fired from a gun, the gun leaves microscopic marks on the bullet and cartridge case. These marks are like ballistic fingerprints.

How are ballistics used in court?

A firearms and ballistics expert can not only examine the weapon to see if it were possible for someone to physically shoot themselves or not, but they can also examine entry wounds and clothing damage to see whether they fit the suicide or the murder scenario.

What is the purpose of marking a ballistics evidence?

Sometimes, one piece of evidence can help in both investigations. For example, a ballistic comparison can confirm that a firearm was used in a murder case but also in other crimes committed in another country, which is already an indicator of the routing of that firearm.

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What is of primary concern for ballistics examiners when they are examining a crime scene?

The primary concern of ballistics examiners. Facts that can be determined by a ballistics examiner. What the markings on a bullet or shell casing can determine. Evidence that points to who discharged a firearm.

What is ballistics as distinguished from forensic ballistics?

Forensic ballistics – is the science of analyzing firearms usage in crimes. Ballistics -(ballein “to throw”) – is the science of mechanics that deals with the flight, behavior and effects of projectiles especially bullet, gravity bombs, rockets or the like.

Why is ballistic important?

Ballistics is a very important part of the world of Forensic Science and much of its evidence is used in criminal proceedings. In some cases the use of ballistics research can prove a link between many different crimes carried out over a lengthy period of time.