
Can you have a baby if you have polycystic ovary syndrome?

Can you have a baby if you have polycystic ovary syndrome?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is a common hormonal condition in women. Women with PCOS can struggle to become pregnant and are at higher risk of developing complications during pregnancy. However, by managing the symptoms, many women with PCOS can become pregnant and have a healthy baby.

How hard is it for a woman with PCOS to get pregnant?

So women with PCOS are more likely to have trouble conceiving than other women. While most women who have PCOS become pregnant, they often take longer to fall pregnant and are more likely to need fertility treatment than women without PCOS.

Can PCOS go away after having a baby?

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If you’re diagnosed with PCOS, you may need to continue to manage symptoms even after pregnancy. But symptoms and severity can vary. Sometimes the hormonal fluctuations after pregnancy and breast-feeding can change the symptoms, so it may be awhile before you settle into your new “normal.”

Can a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome get pregnant?

Although PCOS is a leading cause of infertility, many women with PCOS can and do get pregnant. Pregnant women who have PCOS, however, are at higher risk for certain problems, such as miscarriage. Learn more about PCOS-related pregnancy problems.

How does PCOS affect pregnancy and birth?

Does PCOS affect pregnancy? Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are at higher risk for certain problems or complications during pregnancy. In addition, infants born to mothers with PCOS are at higher risk of spending time in the neonatal intensive care unit or dying before, during, or right after birth.

What are the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women?

They also have higher levels of androgens (male hormones that females also have), which can stop eggs from being released (ovulation) and cause irregular periods, acne, thinning scalp hair, and excess hair growth on the face and body. Women with PCOS can develop serious health problems, especially if they are overweight:

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Can polycystic ovary syndrome cause type 2 diabetes?

More than half of women with PCOS develop type 2 diabetes by age 40. Ever heard of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? If you’re a woman who has had trouble getting pregnant, you might have. Just about everyone else? Probably not. What is PCOS?