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What was the pit pat sound?

What was the pit pat sound?

the sound of a rapid succession of light beats or taps, as of rain, footsteps, etc. to produce or move with this sound: She pitter-pattered along the hallway.

What is the sound of a patter?

patter Add to list Share. When something patters, it makes a light, rhythmic, tapping sound. On a rainy night, you might love lying in bed listening to the rain patter on the roof. You can describe the way rain patters, or the way children’s feet patter down the hallway on Christmas morning.

Is pitter-patter a onomatopoeia?

Very easy to decipher. Because the words are self-explanatory: pitter-patter is the sound of raindrops. Forming words by letters that resemble the sound of the things denoted by them is called onomatopoeia.

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How would you describe the sound of light rain?

“Pitter-patter” means light sounds or beats, and often is used to describe the sound of small animals (like cats) as they gently move about. It has a fairly positive and easy-going connotation, and using “pitter-patter” to describe rain invokes a sense of melody and calm. The rain sprinkled on the roof top.

Is Pit Pat alliterative?

This page contains alphaDictionary’s current glossary of rhyming compounds organized in alphabetical order….Alphabetical Order.

English Rhyming Compounds
Word Definition Type
pell-mell In a rush Rhyming
pish-posh! Nonsense Alliterative
Pit-Pat TV show character Alliterative

Is pitter a word?

To describe the feeling of sadness. To describe a negative experience or result. This is a pitter attempt. That’s pitter.

What part of speech is pitter patter?


part of speech: noun
part of speech: intransitive verb
inflections: pitter-patters, pitter-pattering, pitter-pattered
definition: to make soft rapid tapping sounds.
part of speech: adverb

What words refer to the sounds made by rain?

Answer: pitter-patter. drip-drop. rat-a-tat.

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How do you write the rain sound?

Describing the Rain

  1. pitter-patter.
  2. drip-drop.
  3. rat-a-tat.
  4. splatter.
  5. tapping.
  6. pattering.
  7. pitapat.
  8. patter.