
What are the Olympic rules regarding drugs?

What are the Olympic rules regarding drugs?

Currently WADA have three criteria for prohibiting a drug: if it enhances sport performance; if it would be harmful to health if withheld; or if it is against the spirit of sport. Two of the three criteria are necessary to include a substance or method on The List.

What are the advantages of performance-enhancing drugs?


  • Improve endurance.
  • Reduce fatigue.
  • Suppress appetite.
  • Increase alertness and aggressiveness.

What drugs are not allowed in the Olympics?

Blood doping.

  • Banned androgenic agents.
  • Other anabolic agents.
  • Hormones and related substances.
  • Stimulants.
  • Diuretics and masking agents.
  • Narcotics and cannabinoids.
  • Glucocorticoids.
  • How are Olympic athletes drug tested?

    Urine or blood samples are gathered from athletes and analyzed through an agency recognized by the WADA. When a urine sample is required, athletes can collect the sample themselves with a representative of the same gender present to mitigate any suspicious activity.

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    What are performance-enhancing drugs examples?

    Among teens, common performance-enhancing drugs and supplements include:

    • Creatine. Creatine is a naturally occurring compound in the body that’s also sold as an over-the-counter supplement.
    • Anabolic steroids.
    • Steroid precursors.
    • Amphetamines and other stimulants.
    • Caffeine.

    What performance enhancing drugs are banned in sport?

    In general, the following classes of drugs are banned: Street drugs, stimulants, anabolic steroids, peptide hormones (i.e. human growth hormone [hGH]), alcohol and beta blockers (for archery and rifle shooting only), diuretics, beta-2 agonists, anti-estrogens, blood doping, and gene manipulation.

    Can Olympic athletes drink alcohol?

    According to the Olympic playbook, athletes are forbidden from consuming alcohol in groups and can only drink alcohol when alone and in their rooms. The nation represented by these athletes told the IOC a punishment has been given.

    Who makes Olympic drug rules?

    These Rules incorporate the Prohibited List which is published and revised by WADA as described in Article 4.1 of the Code. The NOCs shall be responsible for ensuring that their delegations, including their Athletes, are made aware of such Prohibited List.

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    Why is caffeine not completely banned in sport?

    According to a WADA spokesperson, the organization determined that caffeine no longer met at least two of three criteria for inclusion on the prohibited list. The criteria for banning a drug are that: It has the potential to enhance sport performance. It violates the spirit of sport.