
What is the equation of steady state steady flow process?

What is the equation of steady state steady flow process?

In a steady state steady flow process taking place in a device with a single inlet and a single outlet, the work done per unit mass flow rate is given by w = − ∫ i n l e t o u t l e t ⁡ v d p , where v is specific volume and p is the pressure.

What is the steady flow system?

A steady flow process is a process in which matter and energy flow in and out of an open system at steady rates. Moreover , an open system undergoing a steady flow process does not experience any change in the mass and energy of the system.

What is the first law of thermodynamics for non flow process equation?

The first law equation for a non-flow process when kinetic energy and potential energy are negligible: dq – dw = du. If the value of Cv as a function of T is known, integral can be evaluated. If the value of Cp as a function of temperature is known, integral can be evaluated. The first law equation is, dq – dq = du.

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How does the first law of thermodynamics apply to open systems?

We begin with the first law of thermodynamics applied to an open thermodynamic system. As illustrated in Fig. 1, an open system allows mass and energy to flow into or out of the system. The mass flow rate into the system is positive, whereas flow rates out of the system to the surroundings are negative.

What are the requirements of a steady flow process?

When a flow process is satisfying the following conditions, it is known as a steady flow process.

  • The mass and energy content of the control volume remains constant with time.
  • The state and energy of the fluid at inlet, at the exit and at every point within the control volume are time independent.

What is H in steady flow energy equation?

h = specific enthalpy, kJ/kg. C = velocity, m/s.

What is steady flow energy equation?

The steady flow energy equation for the WHB is(9.11)Mf2hf0+HP4=λ′D+HP′S,where 4 and S are the entry and exit states, P refers to products entering (i.e. at exit from the turbine), P′ refers to products after the supplementary combustion and Mf2hf0 is the enthalpy flux of the entering fuel.

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What do you mean by first law of thermodynamics?

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that heat is a form of energy, and thermodynamic processes are therefore subject to the principle of conservation of energy. This means that heat energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Which of the following is true for a steady flow system?

Which of the following is true for a steady flow system? Explanation: For a steady flow process, mass entering the system is equal to the mass leaving the system. Explanation: A reversible process always produces maximum work.