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Can family come on deployment?

Can family come on deployment?

One of those questions may be, “Can’t you go with them on deployment?” For most military spouses, the answer is a resounding “No!” For others, it may be possible. But if you want to visit your spouse during deployment—and all the stars align—you may want some help.

Can you get paternity leave on deployment?

The Army paternity leave policy allows a married soldier to have 10 days of consecutive leave within 45 days of the birth of his child. If deployed, the commander can approve paternity leave within 90 days of deployment and can authorize it outside that time period for extraordinary circumstances.

What happens if you get pregnant on deployment?

When a soldier becomes pregnant in the Army she is given the option to leave the military under honorable conditions or become non-deployable for the duration of her pregnancy.

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Does the military give paternity leave?

All service members would receive 12 weeks of parental leave after the birth, adoption or foster care placement of a child under the proposed NDAA. Soldiers and airmen who are secondary caregivers can take three weeks of leave, but sailors and Marines only get two weeks.

Can pregnant soldiers deploy?

Soldiers deployed to combat or who are pregnant will be able to temporarily promote to the ranks of sergeant through sergeant major before completing the mandatory professional military education courses under an expanded policy that starts Jan. 1.

Can a pregnant soldier be deployed?

Can you be pregnant on a deployment?

Army regulations prohibit a pregnant soldier from deploying and require a pre-deployment pregnancy test, which the soldier was given, USAREUR said.

Can a single parent get deployed?

In the Army and Air Force, single-parent military applicants for enlistment must indicate they have a child or children in the custody of the other parent or another adult. The military’s refusal to accept single parents for enlistment is a valid one. The military is no place for a single parent.